
Attending the conference - General information

Centro Citibanamex
Av. del Conscripto 311, Lomas de Sotelo, Hipódromo de las Américas, Miguel Hidalgo,
11610 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

The working sessions, general lunches (included in the delegate booking fee), Fora and Divisional lunches and breakfasts, unless otherwise stated, will take place at the Centro Citibanamex.

The registration desk will be located in Hall C, Centro Citibanamex. You must come to the On-site Registration desk to collect your badge.

Registration hours:

  • Saturday: 1500 – 1800
  • Sunday: 1000 – 1800
  • Monday - Thursday: 0745 – 1730
  • Friday: 0830 – 1430

Monday – Thursday 0930 – 1230 and 1430 – 1730
Friday 0930 – 1230 and 1330 – 1600

Coffee breaks:
Monday – Thursday 1045 – 1115 and 1545 – 1615
Friday 1045 – 1115 and 1415 – 1445

Monday – Thursday 1230 – 1430
Friday 1230 – 1330

The working language of the conference is English. Sessions may be changed or withdrawn at any time.

Airport – the main airport for Mexico City is Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez (Benito Juárez International Airport). The two best options to travel to your hotel are an authorized taxi from one of the stands in the terminal or Uber.

With IBA conferences taking place in major business centres all over the world, travel is an unavoidable reality for our delegates. The IBA encourages its members and delegates to be responsible and conscious of the impact travel has on the environment and to take measures to reduce the carbon impact of their travel.

Some suggested steps that delegates can take include:

  • Travel by train instead of flying if possible.
  • Book direct flights instead of connecting flights, if available, as limiting the number of stops needed will reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Consider the impact of the travel class that you book – business class travel equates to 3 times the carbon footprint of economy class.

Relying on the local public transport is the more carbon friendly option, but this is not always a realistic option. Where reliance on taxis/cars is needed use electric vehicles over petrol or diesel and share vehicle usage with other delegates and colleagues.

Return coach shuttle service to the Centro Citibanamex convention centre will be provided from all official IBA hotels, please refer to the timetables in the hotel lobby :

  • Saturday from 1430
  • Sunday from 0930
  • Monday – Thursday from 0700
  • Friday from 0830

It is important that you inform the IBA upon registration (confs@int-bar.org) if you are a wheelchair user and/or have limited mobility as we will need to take this into account when planning transportation during the conference. The IBA selects, where at all possible, venues with little or no obstacles for those who have restricted mobility; the Centro Citibanamex is fully accessible.

A multi-faith prayer room will be available for use at the conference during registration hours.

For security reasons, name badges must be always worn during the Conference and at social functions. Proof of identity is required to collect your badge and for replacement badges. Checks will be in place and staff will challenge delegates not wearing a valid conference badge. Anyone found wearing a badge that they are not entitled to wear will have the badge removed and will be asked to leave the conference.

After initial collection of conference documentation, guests are limited to the Accommodation desk located outside Hall C, Expositions Level, Centro Citibanamex. Guests are not permitted to attend, under any circumstance, working sessions or general delegate lunches, except for the Opening Ceremony and the Rule of Law Symposium. Security checks will be in place and staff will challenge delegates not wearing a valid conference badge.

All name badges (both delegates and guests) will display a barcode, badges will be scanned for delegates and guests before entry into all IBA official functions. To gain entry to a social function, delegates and guests must wear their badge and have previously purchased a place(s) for the event. We do not issue paper tickets for social functions.

For security reasons we do not recommend having your name badge visible when outside of the Centro Citibanamex or travelling to social event venues.

IBA Events provide unrivalled professional development and network-building opportunities for international legal practitioners and their professional associates. The IBA values the participation of every delegate and member of the IBA and wants all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all IBA Event attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees, IBA staff and those involved with hosting the events throughout the IBA Event and at all events, receptions, and parties, whether officially organised by the IBA or others. All delegates, guests, attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff and volunteers at any IBA Event are required to conform to the IBA Harassment Policy.

The full Harassment Policy can be found at www.ibanet.org/iba-harassment-policy

For reference also please see the IBA Inclusion and Diversity Policy at www.ibanet.org/Diversity-and-Inclusion-Council

Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, friendly, and inclusive conference for all.

Contact emails:
Joe Bell, Operations Director – joe.bell@int-bar.org
Julie Elliott, Conferences Director – julie.elliott@int-bar.org

All delegates who have booked and paid for the conference, social functions and membership fees in full by close of business on Friday 30 August will receive a voucher for the fast-track registration desk. The voucher is scheduled to be emailed on Wednesday 11 September to the email address supplied upon booking. Please bring this voucher to the registration desk either in hard copy or on your smartphone.

For Conference delegates from jurisdictions where CPD/CLE is mandatory, the IBA will provide a Certificate of Attendance for the Conference. Subject to CPD/CLE requirements, Conference delegates can use this to obtain the relevant number of hours’ accreditation. The number of CPD/CLE hours available may vary depending on the rules applied by the members’ bar association/law society on time recording criteria. Certificates will be sent out, via email, to all attendees after the conference.

The conference dress code is casual for the working sessions and smart casual for social events, unless otherwise stated. We do not recommend, on this occasion, that business suits are worn at the conference.