Tag results for 'Brazil'

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Employees versus something else: a clash between Brazilian labour courts and the Supreme Court

While Brazilian labour courts historically resisted to uphold anything else to a typical employment, fully governed under the Brazilian Consolidation of Labour Laws (‘CLT’), a thorough reform to CLT, and recent shifts in labour dynamics (which continue underway), have influenced a review of such a traditional approach. These factors, among others, led the Brazilian Supreme Court to take a pro-business view, at odds with labour courts’ dominant stance. Tensions between labour courts and the Supreme Court mount, while both platform work regulation and a tax reform are on legislators’ agenda.

Released on Sep 9, 2024

Permanent residency investment visas in Brazil: the new real estate investment visa

This article deals with permanent residency visas based on investments in real estate property in Brazil. Contrary to what may have been previously thought, Brazil’s federal legislation has a vast range of investment visas, which may grant permanent residency and a future path to nationality. Among these, it is worth mentioning the permanent residency visas based on investments in real estate property in Brazil. This sort of permanent residency was introduced under the Immigration National Council’s (Conselho Nacional de Imigração—CNIg) Legal Resolution No.36 of 2018.

Released on Mar 15, 2024

Brazil’s new equal pay law: a big step towards gender parity

This article provides an overview of Law 14,611/23, which introduces several obligations for private legal entities with more than 100 employees to guarantee equal salary and compensation criteria for women and men undertaking work of equal value; namely, the publication of a bi-annual Salary Transparency Report.

Released on Sep 21, 2023

SUSEP Resolution 407/2021: freedom for parties to negotiate contract terms for large-risk insurance in Brazil

The highly anticipated SUSEP Resolution 407/2021 allows parties to negotiate contract terms freely for large-risk insurance in Brazil, instead of being bound to use the template wording created by the regulator.

Released on Jul 27, 2022

Comments on Brazil’s new foreign exchange law

Brazil’s new Foreign Exchange Law comes into effect during 2022. It will promote broad changes in Brazil’s capital market and represents a milestone for the nation’s business environment, as it should facilitate operations in the financial and economic market and increase the circulation of BRL (Brazilian Reais) in the foreign exchange market.

Released on Apr 28, 2022

Brazilian liftoff: new space regulation and its impact on licensing and launching in Brazil

This article describes recent changes to the Brazilian normative framework regarding the development of space activities in the country, especially concerning legal standards on the operator’s licensing process and the launch authorisation in Brazilian territory.

Released on Dec 13, 2021

The Brazilian National Data Protection Authority’s Established Guidelines on Best Practice Regarding Data Breaches

Incidences of several cases of data leaks reported in Brazil in early February 2021, has resulted in the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) issuing general guidelines on how data subjects and data processing agents should proceed when they are involved in data breaches

Released on Aug 2, 2021

The perspective of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court on the right to be forgotten

Everyone has something in their life that they would like to simply erase from their memories. However, it is undeniable that while living in the information era and with today’s technology this may be difficult, as everything is recorded and registered and information spreads almost instantaneously around the world. The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court recently positioned itself with regards to the right to be forgotten.

Released on Jun 24, 2021

Open Banking in Brazil: recent trends

In Brazil, local regulators of the financial and capital market aim to foster competition by stimulating new participants to create products and services that will benefit clients and promote financial inclusion, One major example of this effort is the creation of the Open Banking ecosystem by the Central Bank of Brazil.

Released on May 25, 2021

IBAHRI launches ‘Toolkit on Lawyers at Risk’ to advance the protection of lawyers

On 24 January, to mark the Day of the Endangered Lawyer, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is launching a toolkit to facilitate the protection of lawyers at risk of persecution for carrying out their professional duties. The Toolkit on Lawyers at Risk is the result of a collaborative project between the IBAHRI, the Bar Human Rights Committee, Human Rights House Foundation, Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada

Released on Jan 24, 2020

IBAHRI and Anti-Torture Initiative call on Brazilian Government to reverse ‘federal intervention’ in Rio de Janeiro

News Release: Thursday 08 March 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) urge the Brazilian government to reverse the decision that handed control of security to the military in the state of Rio de Janeiro following President Michel Temer’s signing of a decree for ‘federal intervention’ on 16 February 2018.

Released on Mar 8, 2018

O IBAHRI exorta as profissões jurídicas no Brasil a trabalharem pela melhoria das condições prisionais

COMUNICADO À IMPRENSA: sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017. Diante das rebeliões ocorridas em presídios de Manaus e Roraima no Brasil, os quais resultaram na morte de cerca de 100 pessoas e na fuga de diversos presos, o Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI), exorta as profissões jurídicas do país a trabalharem com urgência pela melhoria das condições das prisões e pela criação de ambientes nos quais os direitos humanos dos presos e servidores do sistema prisional sejam respe

Released on Jan 13, 2017

IBAHRI calls on Brazilian legal profession to work towards improvement of prison conditions

News Release: Friday 13 January 2017. Following recent prison riots in the states of Manaus and Roraima in Brazil, that have resulted in the deaths of around 100 people and the escape of many convicts, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), calls on the country’s legal profession to work with urgency towards improving prison conditions and creating environments where the human rights of both inmates and guards are respected, enforced and upheld.

Released on Jan 13, 2017

Brazilian impeachment triggers debate on need to reform process

As Brazilian senators debate the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, lawyers have started discussing possible changes to the process. However, this focuses on technical improvements for future cases. The great weight of legal opinion appears to reject claims by Rousseff and her supporters that the current process was flawed through lack of proper opportunity for defence, or that some kind of ‘coup’ was under way.

Released on Jun 15, 2016

IBAHRI and ATI call on Brazil to repeal Presidential Decree that weakens National Preventive Mechanism

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) express great concern and condemnation for the decision by the Brazilian government to severely limit the work of Brazil’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), dangerously reducing protections for individuals deprived of their liberty.

IBAHRI e ATI requerem que Brasil revogue o Decreto Presidencial que desmantela o Mecanismo Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tor

A Instituto de Direitos Humanos da Associação Internacional de Advogados (“IBAHRI”) e o Iniciativa Anti-tortura (“ATI”) expressam grande preocupação e condenam a decisão do Governo brasileiro de estabelecer severas limitações ao trabalho do Mecanismo Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tortura (“Mecanismo Nacional”). A medida representa uma perigosa redução da proteção dos indivíduos privados de liberdade.

Torture prevention in Brazil - watch video

News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has released a video on torture prevention in Brazil in which local stakeholders and international experts provide opinion about the historical background of torture in the country, and the current challenges for its prevention and prosecution. The video also illustrates how the work of the IBAHRI is contributing to strengthening Brazil’s capacity to uphold its national and international commitment

Prevenção à tortura no Brasil - assistir vídeo

News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. O Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI) divulgou um vídeo sobre prevenção à tortura no Brasil no qual atores interessados locais e especialistas internacionais opinam sobre o histórico da tortura no país e os desafios atuais para sua prevenção e persecução penal. O vídeo também ilustra como o trabalho do IBAHRI está contribuindo para fortalecer a capacidade de o Brasil defender seu compromisso tanto nacional como internacional com a

O Trabalho de prevenção à tortura do IBAHRI no Brasil

In spring 2018, the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) reached the milestone of conducting tailored programmes in all five regions of Brazil on torture prevention and implementing the Istanbul Protocol. The IBAHRI has worked in Brazil since 2010 to support the country in its commitment to eradicate torture as part of its obligations under international law

IBAHRI's torture-prevention work in Brazil

In spring 2018, the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) reached the milestone of conducting tailored programmes in all five regions of Brazil on torture prevention and implementing the Istanbul Protocol. The IBAHRI has worked in Brazil since 2010 to support the country in its commitment to eradicate torture as part of its obligations under international law