Torture prevention in Brazil - watch video

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has released a video on torture prevention in Brazil in which local stakeholders and international experts provide opinion about the historical background of torture in the country, and the current challenges for its prevention and prosecution. The video also illustrates how the work of the IBAHRI is contributing to strengthening Brazil’s capacity to uphold its national and international commitment to human dignity. The video features testimonies of IBAHRI’s main partners in Brazil, and members of its expert delegations.
Watch here:
Apoiando Investigações Criminais e Médico-Legais
sobre alegações de Tortura
(Supporting Criminal and Medical-Legal Investigations on Allegations of Torture)
For English subtitles, click 'CC' on the video panel and select 'English'.
Despite being prohibited under international law, torture is widespread throughout the world. Acts that amount to torture are committed by, or at the instigation of, or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity, whose role is supposed to uphold the law in favour of people’s rights.
Legal professionals are essential to ensuring that reports of torture are properly documented and investigated, perpetrators are brought to justice, and victims are acknowledged and receive integral reparations.
The IBAHRI focuses on torture prevention training and technical assistance, as part of its ongoing work regarding human rights and the administration of justice. Through these activities, the IBAHRI facilitates a holistic understanding of the content and use of international tools and standards by legal stakeholders and National and Local Torture Preventive Mechanisms, promotes prompt and impartial investigations into allegations of torture and ill treatment, and advocates for the independence of forensic services from law enforcement agencies.
More information on the IBA's torture prevention work in Brazil: (English / Portuguese)