
Tag results for 'Americas'

Venezuela: Human rights organisations appeal to the UN on case emblematic of Maduro’s assault on the Rule of Law

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR), and the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) appealed to the United Nations to hold Venezuela accountable for the 11-year persecution and prosecution of Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni, and to protect the independence of the Venezuelan legal profession.

Released on Nov 12, 2020

IBAHRI applauds landmark verdict on Peruvian discriminatory LGBTQI+ torture case

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) welcomes the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) that holds Peru responsible for the arbitrary detention and rape of a transgender woman. The decision, made public on 6 April 2020, marks the first ruling by the IACtHR on a complaint of discriminatory torture against a member of the LGBTQI+ community.

Released on Apr 17, 2020

El IBAHRI aplaude emisión de veredicto histórico en un caso de tortura y discriminación contra integrante del colectivo LGBTQI+

El International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Asociación Internacional de Abogados - IBAHRI) acoge con beneplácito la decisión de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos que determinó la responsabilidad del Perú por la detención arbitraria y la violación de una mujer transgénero. La decisión, emitida el 6 de abril de 2020, es la primera de la Corte Interamericana sobre una denuncia de tortura discriminatoria contra un miembro de la comunidad LGBTQI+

Released on Apr 17, 2020

New publication aims to address torture prevention gap in Latin America

A new publication regarding torture prevention in Latin America brings together a collection of articles by multidisciplinary professionals who have worked in collaboration with the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) to promote the effective prevention, documentation and investigation of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the region.

Released on Mar 31, 2020

IBAHRI condemns US Attorney General Barr’s decision to reinstate the death penalty

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the recent decision by the United States government to schedule the execution of five inmates on death row.

Released on Jul 26, 2019

IBAHRI urges Venezuelan authorities to grant Judge Afiuni absolute and unconditional freedom

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls on Venezuela’s judicial authorities to grant absolute and unconditional freedom to Judge María Lourdes Afiuni as per the announcement made to journalists by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet

Released on Jul 9, 2019

IBAHRI and Anti-Torture Initiative call on Brazilian Government to reverse ‘federal intervention’ in Rio de Janeiro

News Release: Thursday 08 March 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) urge the Brazilian government to reverse the decision that handed control of security to the military in the state of Rio de Janeiro following President Michel Temer’s signing of a decree for ‘federal intervention’ on 16 February 2018.

Released on Mar 8, 2018

IBAHRI calls on President Trump to re-evaluate administration’s stance on human rights

News Release: Friday 6 October 2017. In an open letter to President Donald Trump, signed by Baroness Helena Kennedy and Ambassador (ret) Hans Corell – former United Nations Legal Counsel and Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs – the Co-Chairs of the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) call on President Trump to ‘re-evaluate [his] administration’s stance towards human rights, the judicial system and the rule of law’, and to openly commit to these principles at home and..

Released on Oct 6, 2017

IBAHRI calls on Venezuelan government to respect and protect human rights

News release: Friday 28 July 2017. As the political crisis deepens in Venezuela, the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls on the country's government to protect human rights and the independence of the judiciary, maintain the rule of law and ensure all in Venezuela have equal access to justice.

Released on Jul 28, 2017

IBAHRI pide al gobierno venezolano que respete y proteja los derechos humanos

Comunicado de prensa: viernes 28 de julio de 2017. A medida que se profundiza la crisis política en Venezuela, el International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute [Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Asociación Internacional de Abogados o IBAHRI] pide al gobierno venezolano que proteja los derechos humanos y la independencia del poder judicial, mantenga el estado de derecho y garantice acceso a la justicia a todos los venezolanos.

Released on Jul 28, 2017

Torture prevention in Mexico: Building the capacity of the legal profession

For four years the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has been working with the Mexican legal profession on capacity building for torture prevention. Visiting the states of Nuevo León, Ciudad de México, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Estado de Mexico, we brought together judges, lawyers, public defenders and prosecutors for them to gain a better understanding of their responsibility in the prevention and prosecution of torture and ill or degrading treatment.

Released on Mar 9, 2017

Prevención de la tortura en México: Capacitando a la profesión legal

De la mano de la profesión legal mexicana, el International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) lleva cuatro años trabajando en el fortalecimiento de capacidades para la prevención y administración de justicia en casos de tortura y otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.

Released on Mar 9, 2017

O IBAHRI exorta as profissões jurídicas no Brasil a trabalharem pela melhoria das condições prisionais

COMUNICADO À IMPRENSA: sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017. Diante das rebeliões ocorridas em presídios de Manaus e Roraima no Brasil, os quais resultaram na morte de cerca de 100 pessoas e na fuga de diversos presos, o Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI), exorta as profissões jurídicas do país a trabalharem com urgência pela melhoria das condições das prisões e pela criação de ambientes nos quais os direitos humanos dos presos e servidores do sistema prisional sejam respe

Released on Jan 13, 2017

IBAHRI calls on Brazilian legal profession to work towards improvement of prison conditions

News Release: Friday 13 January 2017. Following recent prison riots in the states of Manaus and Roraima in Brazil, that have resulted in the deaths of around 100 people and the escape of many convicts, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), calls on the country’s legal profession to work with urgency towards improving prison conditions and creating environments where the human rights of both inmates and guards are respected, enforced and upheld.

Released on Jan 13, 2017

IBAHRI open letter to Mr Trump addressing human rights in the US reissued ahead of inauguration

News release: Thursday 12 January 2017. Ahead of the forthcoming inauguration of the new President of the United States of America, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is republishing an open letter first sent to President-Elect Donald Trump in December 2016 in which he is called upon to prioritise human rights in the US.

Released on Jan 12, 2017

Venezuela: IBAHRI publishes observation report of Judge Afiuni trial

A new report from the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) presents the results over nine years of observation of the criminal trial against Judge María Lourdes Afiuni in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Judge Afiuni was arbitrarily arrested without a warrant on 10 December 2009 following her decision to release an alleged ‘political prisoner’, replacing custodial measures with other precautions. The report, Legal Guarantees and Due Process: 10 Years of the Afiuni Case.

Venezuela: IBAHRI publica el informe final de la observación del juicio de la Jueza Afiuni

El nuevo informe del Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Barra Internacional de Abogados (IBAHRI), presenta el resultado de más de nueve años de acompañamiento y observación al desarrollo de la acción penal contra la Jueza María Lourdes Afiuni en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. La Jueza Afiuni fue sometida a detención arbitraria cuando se desempeñaba como Jueza 31 de Control del Area Metropolitana de Caracas. La detención se realizó tras su decisión de sustituir la privación de libertad de un presun

IBAHRI and ATI call on Brazil to repeal Presidential Decree that weakens National Preventive Mechanism

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) express great concern and condemnation for the decision by the Brazilian government to severely limit the work of Brazil’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), dangerously reducing protections for individuals deprived of their liberty.

IBAHRI e ATI requerem que Brasil revogue o Decreto Presidencial que desmantela o Mecanismo Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tor

A Instituto de Direitos Humanos da Associação Internacional de Advogados (“IBAHRI”) e o Iniciativa Anti-tortura (“ATI”) expressam grande preocupação e condenam a decisão do Governo brasileiro de estabelecer severas limitações ao trabalho do Mecanismo Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tortura (“Mecanismo Nacional”). A medida representa uma perigosa redução da proteção dos indivíduos privados de liberdade.

IBAHRI condemns sentence against Venezuela’s Judge María Lourdes Afiuni

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the five-year prison sentence handed down against Judge María Lourdes Afiuni on 21 March 2019 in the absence of evidence of corruption.

El IBAHRI condena la sentencia contra la jueza venezolana María Lourdes Afiuni

El International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condena la sentencia de cinco años de prisión dictada contra la jueza María Lourdes Afiuni el 21 de marzo de 2019, por el delito de corrupción propia. La jueza Afiuni ha visto sus más elementales derechos humanos transgredidos tras ser arrestada arbitrariamente en 2009 y haber estado detenida durante casi una década. Este último castigo, en ausencia de evidencia en su contra, supone una gran preocupación para el IBAHRI.

IBAHRI supports ‘executive moratorium’ on the death penalty in California

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) welcomes the recent executive order by the Honorable Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, effectively imposing a moratorium on the death penalty in the North American state through the command of ‘reprieve for all people sentenced to death in California’.

New IBAHRI study on enforced disappearances calls on States to uphold international standards

A new study from the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) highlights gaps in international law as well as States’ failings in the search for victims of enforced disappearances. The study also puts forward recommendations with regard to investigating enforced disappearances – characterised as a continuous violation that remains unabated until the fate or whereabouts of a person are known.

IBAHRI condemns continued fair trial violations against Venezuela’s Judge Afiuni

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) reiterates due process concerns with regard to the ongoing trial of Judge María Lourdes Afiuni, who was summoned on 21 February to a hearing to be held the following day. During the hearing on 22 February, the judge summarised previous hearings and denied preceding requests made by the defence. The next hearing is scheduled for 15 March 2019.

El IBAHRI condena las continuas violaciones al debido proceso en el juicio contra la Jueza Afiuni en Venezuela

El International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) reitera su preocupación sobre las continuadas violaciones al debido proceso en el juicio a la Jueza Maria Lourdes Afiuni. El pasado 21 de febrero la Jueza Afiuni recibió una citación para una audiencia judicial que tendría lugar al día siguiente.

Torture prevention in Brazil - watch video

News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has released a video on torture prevention in Brazil in which local stakeholders and international experts provide opinion about the historical background of torture in the country, and the current challenges for its prevention and prosecution. The video also illustrates how the work of the IBAHRI is contributing to strengthening Brazil’s capacity to uphold its national and international commitment

Prevenção à tortura no Brasil - assistir vídeo

News release, Tuesday 12 November 2018. O Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association (IBAHRI) divulgou um vídeo sobre prevenção à tortura no Brasil no qual atores interessados locais e especialistas internacionais opinam sobre o histórico da tortura no país e os desafios atuais para sua prevenção e persecução penal. O vídeo também ilustra como o trabalho do IBAHRI está contribuindo para fortalecer a capacidade de o Brasil defender seu compromisso tanto nacional como internacional com a

O Trabalho de prevenção à tortura do IBAHRI no Brasil

In spring 2018, the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) reached the milestone of conducting tailored programmes in all five regions of Brazil on torture prevention and implementing the Istanbul Protocol. The IBAHRI has worked in Brazil since 2010 to support the country in its commitment to eradicate torture as part of its obligations under international law

IBAHRI's torture-prevention work in Brazil

In spring 2018, the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) reached the milestone of conducting tailored programmes in all five regions of Brazil on torture prevention and implementing the Istanbul Protocol. The IBAHRI has worked in Brazil since 2010 to support the country in its commitment to eradicate torture as part of its obligations under international law

IBAHRI's torture-prevention work in Mexico

Enforced disappearances and cases of torture continue to be a concern in Mexico, and impunity for these crimes persists. Over the past four years, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has worked with national and international bodies to train judges, prosecutors and public defenders to increase their awareness of enforced disappearances and strengthen their capacity to prevent and prosecute torture. In partnership with the Mexican legal profession, civil society and acade...