The New Era of Taxation

6 Nov - 8 Nov 2024

Session information

Roundtable sessions on recent developments


A series of roundtable discussions will look at recent developments in the following areas:

Topic one: Permanent establishment in digital economy

Topic two: Experiences from MLI implementation in tax treaties

Topic three: Tax issues from blacklisting jurisdictions

Topic four: Special expatriate regimes under pressure

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Rogério Ferreira RFF Lawyers, Lisbon, Portugal
Miguel Pimentel Garrigues, Lisbon, Portugal
Marta Pontes Uria Menendez, Barcelona, Spain
Dinis Tracana PLMJ, Lisbon, Portugal
Wouter Vosse Hamelink & Van den Tooren, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Andrea D’Ettorre Facchini Rossi Michelutti Studio Legale Tributario, Milan, Italy
Dhruv Janssen-Sanghavi Janssen-Sanghavi & Associates, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Alessandro Jones Capobianco Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain
George Trantea Filip & Company, Bucharest, Romania