Join us for a lively, interactive debate about hot topics of the day.
Table one
Lawyers have a professional duty to understand the basics of AI and to use it for the clients benefit but also an ethical duty to understand the risks and challenges of such use – from bias to job skills to reliability and accountability. Are the benefits/opportunities created by AI worth coping with the challenges?
Table two
How do we as lawyers using AI comply with our ethical duties to clients, employees and the justice system?
Table three
NDA's have practical commercial purposes if employed responsibly. What is responsible versus irresponsible use of them?
Table four
When does doing the best for the client become abusive lawyering?
Table five
Lawyers have a duty to uphold the principles of justice and fairness. [How] Can we reconcile filing a SLAPP suit with that duty?
Table six
To what extent do public stances taken by law firms on controversial issues (for example Russia/Ukraine or Israel/Hamas) influence selection by clients. What are the experiences?
Table seven
Can a law firm be too ethical and 'prize' itself out of the market?
Table eight
Clients often request law firms to indicate the scope of their emissions. Does this impact independence?
Table nine
Should law firms care about screening the ESG credentials of clients/prospective clients?