IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024
15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024
Session information
Law firms, legal organisations - to speak or not to speak that is the question. (How) should law firms, legal organisations react to politically volatile situations
Wednesday 18 September (1430 - 1545)
Professional Ethics Committee
In this session, we will focus on:
• Law firms’ decision and the behind the scenes decision-making process about whether to speak out or stay silent in such situations and why;
• Dentons’ (and maybe also other firms’) reaction wherein they have originally made a post on LinkedIn about the terror attacks and when an associate from the firm has criticised it, they have removed it;
• big law firms’ open letter asking law school deans to respond to antisemitism in campus protests; and
• rescission of contracts/revocation of offers by Winston & Strawn, Davis Polk, etc, for inflammatory comments in regards to the terror attacks and the current situation is Israel.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Gabor Damjanovic | Forgó Damjanovic & Partners, Budapest, Hungary; Member, Professional Ethics Committee Advisory Board |
Ronaldo Camargo Veirano | Veirano Advogados, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Michael Evans | Byfield Reputation Counsel, London, England |
David Kaufman | Nixon Peabody, San Francisco, California, USA |
Sherry Levin Wallach | NY State Bar Ass./Legal Aid Society Westchester , White Plains, New York, USA |