Arb40 Symposium - international arbitration endangered

29 Oct 2023

Session information

Session two: How can we help?


IBA Arb40 Subcommittee (Lead)
Arbitration Committee


Institutions like the International Bar Association foster the efficiency and legitimacy of international arbitration by, among others, issuing uniform sets of rules and guidelines. This Oxford-style panel will address two questions: if it is not broken, why fix it? Or rather, are there some things that need to be changed? The first motion will confirm or deny whether witness statements drafted by lawyers have lost their probative value. The second motion will discuss whether we need stricter ethical rules for international arbitration practitioners.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Mohamed Shelbaya GBS Disputes, Paris, France


Ruxandra Irina Esanu Dechert, Paris, France
Anne-Marie Lacoste Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Paris, France
Samy Markbaoui White & Case LLP, Paris, France
Mélanie Riofrio Piché Riofrio-IDR, Madrid, Spain