Annual IBA The New Era of Taxation Conference

21 Sep - 22 Sep 2023

Session information

From traditional sources to renewables: the role of green taxes

Friday 22 September (1400 - 1530)


The climate crisis is a topic of extensive international discussion, emphasised by the signing of the Paris Agreement in December 2015. The Agreement, signed by 196 countries, aims to reduce carbon emissions primarily through the transition from traditional energy sources to renewable ones. These aims are further reflected in policies adopted by governments around the world, such as the European Green Deal, approved in 2020, which seeks to make the European Union climate-neutral by 2050. Governments worldwide are progressively leveraging tax mechanisms to meet their environmental goals. Several nations have introduced tax benefits to encourage eco-friendly behavior, increase clean energy investments and foster sustainable growth in green energy, and some have also implemented particular charges, tariffs, or energy and environment-related taxes to discourage harmful practices. 
In this context, our expert panel will debate how governments from various jurisdictions are striving to foster and stimulate investment in clean, renewable energy through tax policies and incentives, the practical impact that these measures could have on an enterprise’s return on investment and the opportunities these incentives and programmes present to impact investors.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Francesco Gucciardo Aird & Berlis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Vice Chair, Taxes Committee
Leonardo Homsy Mattos Filho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Laura Castello Branco Hydro REIN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bruna Marrara Machado Meyer Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
Meyyappan Nagappan Trilegal, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Joe Sullivan Covington & Burling, Washington, District of Columbia, USA

Session presentations