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Wednesday 13 March (1900 - 2100)

European Regional Forum (Lead)

Wednesday 13 March (1900 - 2100)

Thursday 14 March (0900 - 0920)

Thursday 14 March (0920 - 1000)

Thursday 14 March (1000 - 1045)

Session details

The panel will focus on new legal and business challenges in the industry. Apart from well-known issues, such as emerging Chinese electric vehicle (EV) producers, we will focus on: the challenges posed to parts of the automotive industry linked to the electrification of the automotive; the legal risks and challenges of the Functions on Demand (FoD); and the new distribution model in Europe – based upon the agency model rather than traditional dealership.

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Thursday 14 March (1045 - 1115)

Thursday 14 March (1115 - 1200)

Session details

The EU Commission’s ‘legislative tsunami’ for the implementation of its Green Deal is not just a challenge to the EU automotive industry. Once implemented, will the high Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards give OEMs and suppliers headquartered in the EU a competitive advantage against their non-EU competitors? In other words, will the considerable costs incurred for implementing the new ESG standards pay off in the future? 

Our moderators discuss this topic with representatives from the three leading German OEMs and the CEO of one of the leading Tier 1 suppliers.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 14 March (1200 - 1245)

Session details

During this panel, we will discuss the use cases of AI in the automotive industry and their impact. Is the OEM the gatekeeper of the new smart device vehicle and will that change with future information exchange obligations? We will further cover the cybersecurity obligations and specific type approval requirements, as well as the ownership of intellectual property and the role of standards and standard essential patents regarding digitalisation and AI applications in the automotive sector. Finally, we will learn about the effects of the AI Act on the automotive industry and what to expect in the future.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 14 March (1245 - 1415)

Thursday 14 March (1415 - 1545)

Session details

This session will take the form of an interactive workshop, with moderators facilitating round table discussions on some of the legal hot topics stemming from the automotive and mobility services industry, including:

Topic one:  electrification

  • Transformation of the value chain of automotive production.
  • Battery production and software as the core components?
  • Level playing field in a global market?
  • New global players – state support – EU protective measures.
  • The challenges of building a dense EV charging station network. Regulatory restraints – financing – access.


    Topic two: new mobility

  • Trends and legal issues related to the new mobility platforms – data protection, liability issues, regulatory requirements, consumer protection.

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Thursday 14 March (1545 - 1615)

Thursday 14 March (1615 - 1700)

Session details

The panel will discuss the topics raised during the conference from their perspective as General Counsels in the industry. How do they view the developments in the market, technological advances the shifts in market domination? 

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 14 March (1700 - 1730)

Thursday 14 March (1830 - 2200)