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Wednesday 10 April (1800 - 2000)

Thursday 11 April (0700 - 0800)

Session details

Join the officers of the IBA Real Estate Section and colleagues for a light jog or a refreshing walk. This run is free to attend. Meet in the main hotel lobby at 0655.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 11 April (0900 - 1000)

Session details

Join us for a lively, interactive debate about recent and hot topics and trends in the real estate markets. Topics will include:
• Social media and real estate
• Smart use of AI by real estate lawyers: efficiency, quality of results, confidentiality
• Real estate and money laundering
• Major issue causing concern in the real estate industry in 2024
• Trends in leisure industry
• Offices: worldwide trends
• Restrictions on foreign real estate ownership: how liberal is your county?
• Private ownership in real estate: direct or indirect holding?

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 11 April (1110 - 1130)

Thursday 11 April (1130 - 1215)

Session details

Real estate plays a massive role in global warming: 40 per cent of emissions originate from real estate, either from building materials or from building energy consumption. There is no fighting climate change without reducing environmental damages caused by real estate. A panel of experts will look at how the new rules will impact real estate projects.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 11 April (1215 - 1300)

Session details

The post-pandemic work-from-anywhere culture has a clear impact in residential and office real estate sectors. More and more people choose to work remotely, from home, from co-working spaces and even abroad. A panel of experts will debate the opportunities and challenges presented by this considerable change.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 11 April (1500 - 1545)

Session details

Interview with a forethinking keynote speaker about the Real Estate market and its financing.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 11 April (1545 - 1615)

Thursday 11 April (1700 - 1745)

Session details

Post-Covid-19 shopping centres and malls are packed with people. Despite many economic challenges, the retail industry seems to be entering a new renaissance area. This panel will discuss current trends and developments and give insight into how shopping centres adapted to customer needs and expectations.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 11 April (2000 - 2230)

Friday 12 April (0845 - 0900)

Friday 12 April (0945 - 1030)

Session details

In the real estate sector, maintaining professional wellbeing for lawyers involves managing high-pressure situations, deadlines, and client expectations. Many of us don’t realise we are caught in a downward spiral of negative emotions, physical and psychological distress until it’s too late. In this interactive session, beginning with a workshop involving all participants and followed by a presentation by Dr Galia Barhava-Monteith, you will receive hands on tools to help you and your team identify and handle downward spirals. We will ask how they happen, how to recognise them and most importantly, how to activate an upward spiral when you find yourself or someone close to you experiencing a downward one. We will conclude with a take-home worksheet for participants to implement their learnings.

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Friday 12 April (1030 - 1100)

Friday 12 April (1100 - 1145)

Session details

Conflict and natural events may sadly cause considerable destruction. When the recovery process begins, the aim is to build back better. This panel will debate reconstruction strategies and how authorities and real estate players will have an important role in the process.

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Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 12 April (1145 - 1230)

Session details

Data Centre Market: some countries are confirming a double-digit market increase annually. Can we affirm that the Data Centre Market is a new investment global trend? How is technology boosting the Data Centre Market and what are the infrastructure obstacles? What are the real estate asset’s particular characteristics for the Data Centre Market and how this type of development being legally structured?

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