Tag results for 'Climate-Global-Insight'
Europe’s renewable energy islands
The concept of renewable energy islands and offshore networks is becoming closer to reality. Global Insight investigates the implications for the clean energy transition.
Released on Mar 29, 2023
The climate crisis: are we building back better?
Spiralling energy prices due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine should be accelerating the transition to low-carbon fuels. Global Insight assesses whether the world is slipping back on its post-pandemic pledges to build back better.
Released on Nov 29, 2022
Sri Lanka’s ‘worst ever crisis’
Sri Lanka is facing a crisis on multiple fronts – economic, environmental and social. Global Insight assesses the impact on the rule of law and human rights.
Released on Sep 23, 2022
On the breadline
The Ukraine–Russia war has exacerbated problems with food security as both sides are major contributors to global supply lines. Global Insight assesses whether we’re living in a food crisis and, if so, what can be done.
Released on Jul 22, 2022
What’s stopping the clean energy transition
The stated aim of many governments is to transition away from fossil fuels in line with the Paris Agreement – an aim made more urgent by the need to end dependence on Russian energy. The international Energy Charter Treaty risks frustrating these aims.
Released on May 31, 2022
The climate crisis: COP26 and the next steps
November’s COP26 talks were hailed as a monumental opportunity to show ‘ambition’ in the fight against the climate emergency. Global Insight assesses what was achieved – and identifies where the world still needs to go further to mitigate climate disaster.
Released on Nov 29, 2021
Focus on COP26
Podcast: COP26 in Glasgow aims to accelerate movement towards the targets set in the 2015 Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. With the Covid-19 pandemic delaying 2020’s talks and urgent action needed to address the climate crisis, the world will be watching closely - not only the immediate outcomes, but longer-term efforts made by states and the private sector.
Released on Oct 27, 2021
Climate crisis: Undue influence undermines global efforts
As final preparations are being made for COP26 in Glasgow, there are serious concerns that undue influence and conflicts of interest are undermining the global effort to combat the climate crisis.
Released on Oct 25, 2021
How the climate crisis is changing the legal profession
Change is taking place everywhere from individual practices to firm management. Global Insight reports on what this shift means for firms, their lawyers and their clients.
Released on Sep 28, 2021
The rising tide of climate litigation
Legal action against companies and governments relating to the climate crisis are increasing in number, scope and ambition. Global Insight examines the rise and rise.
Released on Jul 12, 2021
A conversation with… Mary Robinson
Mary Robinson served as President of Ireland from 1990 to 1997, becoming the first woman to hold the office. Widely regarded as a transformative figure for Ireland and the Irish presidency, Robinson revitalised and liberalised this political office. Following her presidency, she became the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002. Her achievements since leaving this role include founding the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice in 2010.
Released on Dec 15, 2020
A conversation with... John Kerry
2 Nov 2020. A lawyer by profession, John Kerry served as a United States Senator from 1985 to 2013, was the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004 and served as Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. He has authored major legislation on drug trafficking, money laundering, humanitarian aid and climate change. Over the past 12 months, he has helped to lead a new campaign to address the climate crisis
Released on Dec 15, 2020
Agenda for the next President of the United States
As President Trump’s four years in office comes to a catastrophic end, Global Insight assesses what needs to change for the sake of America and the world.
Released on Aug 12, 2020
Seizing the moment
2020 was meant to be a red-letter year for addressing the climate crisis, with governments expected to set ambitious emission reduction goals as part of the Paris Agreement. Covid-19 has shuttered economies, bringing visible reductions in pollution and raising hopes of emerging into a cleaner future.
Released on Aug 12, 2020
Time’s up for fossil fuel funding
The carbon divestment movement has forced serious consideration of the rights and wrongs of financing fossil fuel. But, with demand for energy still rising, the answers are far from simple.
Released on Apr 9, 2020
The climate emergency and global security
A long-running dispute between Canada and the United States over sovereignty of the Northwest Passage is one of numerous tensions being heightened by the climate crisis. Global Insight explains how international law can help mitigate the risks.
Released on Feb 13, 2020
The SDGs: investing in the future
Business and investors need to play a huge role in financing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals over the next decade but, three years into the journey, progress is proving slow. Global Insight explores the challenges facing companies and legal practitioners in closing the gap between ambition and action.
Released on Feb 12, 2019
A Conversation with...Mary Robinson (Virtually Together 2020)
A Conversation with...Mary Robinson (Virtually Together 2020) - climate focus
Time for an International Court for the Environment
As the climate crisis deepens, there remains a troubling lack of international consensus on practical and legal responses. Global Insight highlights the pressing need for international law to stand up for the planet.
David Miliband, International Rescue Committee CEO
The 2019 Stockholm Human Rights Award winners were David Miliband and the International Rescue Committee, the organisation he leads. In conversation with IBA Executive Director, Mark Ellis, Miliband spoke about migration, the climate crisis and the need for passion, as well as reason, in confronting populism.
City limits: the quest for carbon neutrality
With governments around the world committed to achieving carbon-neutral status by 2050, Global Insight assesses the role our cities have to play in getting them there.
The climate crisis: turning the tide
IBA Global Insight Aug/Sept 2019: Scientific evidence has established beyond doubt that climate change needs to be addressed, and urgently. Global Insight assesses how civil society and strategic litigation are forcing corporations and governments to take long overdue action
Bringing the Paris Agreement to life
The latest UN climate change talks in Katowice – Europe’s ‘capital of coal’ – sought to finalise the rulebook for implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement. But, while the December talks made a breakthrough on transparency and reporting on action to tackle global warming, measures to engage markets and business proved a stumbling block.
A tipping point for climate change
Doom-laden concerns over recent wildfires, heatwaves and floods contrast with the optimism following the Paris Agreement just three years ago. Global Insight speaks to the leaders of the fight for environmental justice to find out what should happen next. With Mary Robinson, John Cruden and James Thornton.
The blue economy
IBA Global Insight Aug/Sept 2018. Commercial mining of the ocean floor is taking off at scale. Global Insight explores the legal and environmental issues of a new industry that could transform developing nations.
Scott Pruitt versus the Environmental Protection Agency
IBA Global Insight, June/July 2018 - President Trump’s environmental chief appears to be battling his own agency. Global Insight assesses an internal struggle at the EPA that could have dire consequences for the fight against climate change.
John Cruden - IBA Annual Conference 2017
IBA Global Insight December 2017/January 2018: One of the world’s foremost environmental lawyers, John Cruden was, until recently, the US Assistant Attorney General overseeing environmental enforcement. In conversation with the IBA’s Director of Content, James Lewis, Cruden shares the insight gained from two major enforcement actions, one against Volkswagen following the emissions scandal and the other following the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
Michael Froman - IBA Annual Conference 2017
IBA Global Insight December 2017/January 2018: Michael Froman served as US Trade Representative from 2013–2017 under President Barack Obama and is also former Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs. In conversation with the IBA’s Director of Content, James Lewis, Froman outlines just how damaging President Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership could be, and what it means for the Asia Pacific region, given the rising power of China.
Sitao Xu - IBA Annual Conference 2017
IBA Global Insight December 2017/January 2018: As Chief Economist of Deloitte in China, he has strong views on the likely future direction of the world’s second-largest economy. In conversation with the IBA’s Director of Content, James Lewis, Sitao Xu discusses the potential impact of major developments such as Made in China 2025 and the Belt and Road Initiative.
Fully charged: who stands to gain from the clean revolution?
IBA Global Insight October/November 2017: Governments, manufacturers and consumers are moving towards electric vehicles – a significant shift away from fossil fuel. Global Insight assesses who will benefit and who could put on the brakes.