About the Committee
Formed in 2005 primarily to represent the interests of senior lawyers, regardless of their status within the IBA, this Committee is now attracting much interest from younger members of the IBA keen to participate in a forum where they can meet and learn from the experience of senior lawyers, otherwise than in the context of specialist committees of the Legal Practice Division (LPD) and purely social events. As a dynamic group of energetic and like-minded people in terms of both members and participants in its events, the Committee continues to grow and expand its influence.
Aims of the Committee
The Committee actively encourages its members to link and share experiences with similar groups of lawyers and other professionals across all age groups. Its main objectives include: the retention of senior lawyers (whether still practising or already retired) as IBA members; combating age discrimination in all its forms; encouraging senior lawyers to pass on the benefit of their experience and to act as mentors to younger lawyers finding their way both within the IBA and in the profession as a whole; facilitating introductions to fellow professionals and business contacts throughout the world; and, where necessary, acting as a pressure group to advance the interests of senior lawyers both within and outside the IBA.
Committee Activities
The Committee - sometimes on its own but more often in collaboration with other Section on Public and Professional Interest (SPPI) Committees - organises a wide variety of sessions and social activities. Sessions cover topics of interest not only to senior lawyers but also to IBA members at all levels. The orientation is always towards the future and the focus is usually on how the vast experience collectively accumulated by senior lawyers can best be used to enhance the interests of participants and the profession as a whole.
Examples of sessions and events organised in recent years include:
- ‘Discrimination, with particular reference to gender and age, in the legal profession – how this affects lawyers’ (Joint Session with the Discrimination Law Committee);
- ‘How senior lawyers can contribute more to their firms’ (Joint Session with the Law Firm Management Committee);
- ‘Developing the skills of young lawyers: the roles of the mentor and of the law firm’ (Joint Session with the Young Lawyers’ Committee);
- ‘Succession – thinking harder’ (Joint Session with the Law Firm Management Committee);
- ‘Climbing the ladder – how to progress in a law firm’ (Joint Session with the Younger Lawyers’ Committee); and
- various social events organised with the Women Lawyers’ Interest Group.
In addition, the Committee acts as a ‘facilitator’ in assisting senior lawyers to find roles in which they can provide others with the benefit of their significant expertise and experience and work on sustainable development projects via the developing member organisations of the IBA.
Forthcoming conferences and webinars View All Conferences
The incentive framework for large investments in Argentina
In July, a law was passed introducing deep structural reforms to the Argentinian economy, including the introduction of the Incentive Framework for Large Investments (RIGI, by its Spanish acronym) which provides tax, foreign exchange and custom duties benefits to companies planning to import and invest a minimum of US$200m in Argentina.
Released on Dec 10, 2024
From campaign promises to policy shifts: Labour’s emerging immigration agenda
Following the Labour Party’s election victory on 4 July 2024, the direction of the new government’s immigration policy has prompted cautious optimism among immigration law practitioners.
Released on Dec 10, 2024
Financing of mandatory criminal defence in Hungary
This article considers the financing of mandatory criminal defence in Hungary, including recent attempts to solve the issue.
Released on Dec 10, 2024
Brazil’s framework for international personal data transfers
Brazil enacted its first general data protection law, locally known as the LGPD, in August 2018, and it became effective on 18 September 2020. Similar to several data protection laws around the world, and largely inspired by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the LGPD sets forth requirements for the processing of personal data.
Released on Dec 10, 2024
Subcommittees and other groups
The Senior Lawyers' Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.
- Senior Lawyers' Committee Advisory Board