Annual IBA The New Era of Taxation Conference
21 Sep - 22 Sep 2023
Session information
Sports and taxes - taxation of SAF / capital gains on international transfer of athletes and compensation structures (star companies)
Thursday 21 September (1400 - 1530)
Football is Brazil´s national passion. A recent legislation has passed regulating the incorporation of football corporations (‘SAFs’), opening room for a significant number of new investment opportunities. Since last year, foreign investors have been acquiring stakes of traditional football clubs and negotiating the acquisition of rights to explore the Brazilian national league. Given that substantial amounts of money are part of the game – player transfers, image rights, TV quotas, licensed products, bets and so on – this has sparked the interest of tax administration to increase the collection of taxes internally and on cross-border transactions.
The panel will discuss with internationally experienced professionals tax issues arising from investment structures in Brazil and other countries, the remuneration of players and the international transfers and loan of players among other topics.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Roberto Duque-Estrada | Brigagao Duque-Estrada Advogados, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Carsten Schlotter | Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Bonn, Germany |
Bruno Arez Martins | Eversheds Sutherland, Lisbon, Portugal |
Devon Bodoh | Weil Gotshal & Manges, Washington, District of Columbia, USA |
Andrea Gallizioli | Scarioni Angelucci , Milan, Italy; Session Reporters Liaison Officer, Taxes Committee |
Luis Fernando Pamplona Novaes | Nemetz Kuhnen Dalmarco & Pamplona Novaes, Blumenau, Brazil |