16th Annual Bar Leaders' Conference

24 May - 25 May 2023

Session information

Around the tables: a taste of hot topics – part I


Bar Issues Commission (Lead)


Topics will include:

• Diversity and Inclusion
• Lawyers as Gatekeepers 
• Revitalising rule of law 
• Wellness in the legal profession 
• Update on recent global developments concerning international trade in legal services 
• Good governance and role clarity 


George Artley International Bar Association, London, England
Riccardo Cajola Cajola & Associati, Milan, Italy; Vice Chair, International Commerce and Distribution Committee
Sara Louise Carnegie International Bar Association, London, England; Member, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
Jonathan Herman Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Officer, Bar Issues Commission
Ian Jeffery The Law Society of England and Wales, London, England
Mickael Laurans The Law Society of England and Wales, London, England; Chair, BIC International Trade in Legal Services Committee
Berit Reiss-Andersen The Norwegian Bar Association, Oslo, Norway; Vice Chair, Bar Issues Commission
Steven Richman American Bar Association, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Chair, Bar Issues Commission Policy Committee