IBA War Crimes Committee Conference 2023: Pursuing justice in a world on fire
18 Mar 2023
Session information
Panel one: Masters of invention: innovations in international criminal accountability
Saturday 18 March (1020 - 1120)
Over the last decade, efforts to clear paths to justice have resulted in what have been described as innovations in the field of international criminal accountability. This has included the establishment of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism for Syria in 2016, the establishment of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar in 2018, and the national efforts of support for case-building in Ukraine. Increasingly, we see multiple jurisdictions being engaged, more brightly illuminating the justice landscape’s multiple co-existing centres of gravity. Among them are domestic cases in third states, International Criminal Court investigations and, in the case of both Ukraine and Myanmar, recourse to the International Court of Justice.
Our speakers, focusing primarily on accountability efforts in and for Ukraine, Syria, and Myanmar, will provide critical insights of efforts thus far. How truly innovative are these new entities and recent approaches been? What is their impact? And what more remains to be done?
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Federica D'Alessandra | Oxford Institute for Ethics Law and Armed Conflict, Oxford, England; Co-Chair, Forum for Government and Public Lawyers |
Carmen Cheung Ka-Man | Center for Justice & Accountability, San Francisco, California, USA |
Leila Sibai | Huquqyat, London, England |
Nadia Volkova | Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group, Kyiv, Ukraine |