IBA 5th Silicon Beach Conference: From Start-Up to Exit

22 Jan - 24 Jan 2023

Session information

Session four: M&A and financing in exits: the ultimate founder’s dream


This panel will address the role of financing an M&A deal as an exit for founders and initial investors. When is the right time to exit?  Strategic vs buyout fund. Common issues when financing exits?  Founders role beyond the deal: temporary stay or complete exit. What creates more value and less conflicts?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Fernando Erana Perez Correa Gonzalez, Mexico City, Mexico; Chair, North American Regional Forum
Nicholas Rodriguez Winston & Strawn, Coral Gables, Florida, USA


Maria Bofill TozziniFreire Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
Jeremy Glaser Mintz Levin, San Diego, California, USA
Shani Peled TechnoArt, Tel Aviv, Israel
Will Shaw Fasken, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Session presentations