IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Sunset Vista Ballroom B, Level 4, Miami Beach Convention Center

Session information

IBA Bar Breakfast hosted by the American Bar Association

Tuesday 1 November (0800 - 0915)

Sunset Vista Ballroom B, Level 4, Miami Beach Convention Center
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Conference area
Breakfasts / ticketed Lunches
The full venue map is available on the delegate homepage


Is the rule of law dead?

RuleOfLawBreakfastsWe are at a critical moment in world history. Citizens around the world are divided over many issues— public health, climate change and the rise in nationalism—to name a few. These divisions have caused, or have the potential to cause, a decreasing faith in the legitimacy of institutions and a growing distrust among their citizenry. We have seen attacks on the justice system, and indeed physical attacks on judges (and lawyers) themselves. Such assaults, whether rhetorical or physical, jeopardize the rule of law across the spectrum of jurisdictions. In this time of division, what can bar associations and the legal profession do to lead the way in to restore confidence in our democratic institutions, in the judicial system, and to protect the rule of law? The panel will discuss these issues, and undoubtedly bring forth more questions than answers, but promises a provocative discussion on this most fundamental of questions.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Steven Richman American Bar Association, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Chair, IBA Credentials Committee


Deborah Enix-Ross Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York, New York, USA; President / Chairperson, Member Organisations
Gregory McIntyre SC Law Council Of Australia, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia; President / Chairperson, Law Council of Australia
Marcos Rios Carey y Cia, Santiago, Chile