IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Room 229 A, Level 2

Session information

Interactive mock boardroom crisis – do’s and don’ts when a corruption issue arises
Room 229 A, Level 2
View location
Conference area
Networking hub (Exhibition hall)
Meeting rooms
Session rooms
The full venue map is available on the delegate homepage


Criminal Law Section (Lead)
Anti-Corruption Committee
Business Crime Committee
Criminal Law Committee


It’s the day you dread as General Counsel of a PLC. Your compliance officer in an overseas office rings you to tell you she thinks some employees have been paying bribes. What should you do? How do you manage an investigation with issues in several countries? Things couldn’t get worse, when you get a call from a journalist asking questions. And then, the overseas office is raided by law enforcement. The scenario will unfold through an interactive multi-media session and you, the audience, will be the board – it’s up to you to decide what to do at each stage. You will be guided by a panel of expert investigations lawyers who can provide advice and insight from their experience across jurisdictions, but the ultimate decision-making will rest with you!

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Christine Braamskamp Jenner & Block, London, England; Co-Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Shula de Jersey BCL Solicitors, London, England


Fabio Cagnola Cagnola & Associati Studio Legale, Milan, Italy; Regional Representative Europe, Anti-Corruption Committee
Mia Falk Vinge, Stockholm, Sweden
Hannah Laming Squire Patton Boggs , London, England; Co-Chair, Business Crime Committee
Saverio Lembo Baer & Karrer, Geneva, Switzerland; Individual Defence Counsel Officer, Criminal Law Committee
Luis Mendes Pinheiro Neto Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil; Treasurer, Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee
Barton Selden Taulia LLC, San Francisco, California, USA; Membership Officer, Corporate Counsel Forum
Fernando Tamayo Vedder Price, Miami, Florida, USA; North American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Business Crime Committee
Charlene Zhu Allbright Law Offices, Shanghai, China