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Thursday 19 September (1615 - 1730)

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While in some jurisdictions, super-voting shares and dual-class shares have been around for a considerably long time, these structures continue to be debated in many jurisdictions. This session discusses the pros and cons of super-voting shares and dual class shares from a securities markets and corporate governance perspective.

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Capital Markets Forum
Securities Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 19 September (1615 - 1730)

Session details

The panel will look into the results of international economic sanctions imposed in recent years including upon Russia and Venezuela, as well as other countries.

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Business Crime Committee (Lead)
Criminal Law Committee

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 19 September (1615 - 1730)

Session details

How can new technologies, in particular artificial intelligence (AI), play a role in infrastructure and construction projects?

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International Construction Projects Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 19 September (1615 - 1730)

Session details

Uncover the strategies and insights necessary to attract and retain young legal talent, while examining the contrasting landscapes of in-house legal departments and law firms. This session is tailored to organisations looking to tap into the next generation of legal professionals and to young talent seeking their ideal career path in the legal field.

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Young Lawyers' Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Thursday 19 September (1900 - 2200)

Immigration and Nationality Law Committee (Lead)

Thursday 19 September (1900 - 2300)

Thursday 19 September (2000 - 2200)

Bar Issues Commission (Lead)

Thursday 19 September (2000 - 2300)

International Commerce and Distribution Committee (Lead)
International Commerce, Trade, Franchising and Product Law Section (Lead)
Product Law and Advertising Committee (Lead)

Thursday 19 September (2200 - 0100)

LGBTQI+ Law Committee (Lead)
Young Lawyers' Committee (Lead)

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Friday 20 September (0745 - 1700)

International Construction Projects Committee (Lead)

Friday 20 September (0930 - 1045)

Session details

Outside lawyers do most of their work on the deal pre-closing, but most of the clients’ value is generated post-closing. This panel of experienced in-house and outside counsel will deal with how to manage all phases with a view toward the integration – starting with the warranties, the pre-closing coordination and interim covenants, and then the actual integration post-closing. Our experts will share what they have learned the hard way: best practices and mistakes to avoid.

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Corporate and M&A Law Committee (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 20 September (0930 - 1045)

Session details

The length of time to award, even in relatively simple commercial cases, continues to be a challenge for the arbitration community.  Emergency arbitrator provisions, expedited procedures and summary dismissal mechanisms have certainly had an impact.  Meanwhile, UNCITRAL Working Group II is looking at highly expedited arbitration procedures.  Where should the focus be as we continue to work to reduce the time and costs of arbitration?  What role for technology?  What can parties and institutions do when a decision is taking too long? Is urgency efficiently handled by arbitration institutions and tribunals, or does court litigation remain a suitable alternative for interim measures and injunctions?

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Arbitration Committee (Lead)
Litigation Committee

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 20 September (0930 - 1130)

Session details

Continuing the IBA Rule of Law Forums theme of ‘law not war’ we consider how legal systems can be protected and re-established during times of conflict. This will include transitional justice for recently occupied territories.

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Rule of Law Forum (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 20 September (1000 - 1030)

Friday 20 September (1000 - 1030)

Friday 20 September (1200 - 1330)

Session details

This session will explore: the current issues in defending and protecting the rule of law in the Americas and the status of this battle around world; the problem of regressing; rethinking colonial influences and powers in Caribbean courts and impact on human rights; and the role of the lawyers and law firms in rule of law matters.

The territory of the Americas suffered five-hundred years of European colonisation mostly from the Spanish, Portuguese and English, and to a lesser extent from the French and Dutch. They brought their culture and legislation to a new continent, and some of the laws were cruel, inhumane and degrading. This panel will debate the rule of law in the Americas with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. The discussion will touch upon four topics which are topical in the Americas today: the regression of the rule of law in Venezuela and Mexico; the role of British colonial powers in hindering the development of the rule of law in the Caribbean; the status and impact of these problems around the world; and the role of lawyers and law firms in these matters.

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Rule of Law Forum (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 20 September (1430 - 1600)

Session details

The issue of how democratic legitimacy and the rule of law interact has been challenging in a number of jurisdictions including Israel, the UK and the US. In each of these countries there are clashes between politicians and the judges as to which has primacy – in one case this relates to whether the president/prime minister has been legitimately elected or not and, in the others, whether processes in the elected assembly or changes to law which affect the judiciary or the judicial process are legitimate. This session will discuss the issue.

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Judges' Forum
Rule of Law Forum (Lead)

Session/Workshop Chair(s)

Friday 20 September (1930 - 2230)

Legal Practice Division (Lead)
Section on Public and Professional Interest (Lead)

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