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Tuesday 27 June (1400 - 1420)

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Baroness Helena Kennedy KC IBA's Human Rights Institute, London

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Tuesday 27 June (1430 - 1555)

Session details

This panel will address the pending issues of alleged violations of international humanitarian law and war crimes in the conflicts, the impact on peace negotiations, and what accountability will look like in these countries.

Dr. Mohamed Elewa Badar Professor of Comparative and International Criminal Law at Northumbria University, Newcastle; Middle East and North African Regional Forum Liaison Officer, IBA War Crimes Committee

Saleh Al-Batati Journalist alumnus/alumni at Reuters Institute the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford
John Balouziyeh Partner, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, LLP, New York; North American Regional Forum Liaison Officer, IBA War Crimes Committee
Toby Cadman KC Guernica 37 Chambers, London; Secretary, IBA War Crimes Committee
Colonel (Retired) Charles Garraway CBE, London
Hasina Safi Former Minister for Women’s Affairs and first Afghan UN CEDAW representative, London
Maria Varaki Co-Director War Crimes Research Group, King’s College, London

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War Crimes Committee (Lead)

Tuesday 27 June (1605 - 1730)

Session details

This panel will examine the role of sanctions and terrorist designations in conflicts, both international (UN) and unilateral/regional (US/UK/EU), and the repercussions on the peace process or subsequent rebuilding and reconciliation post-conflict.

Emily Elliott Kingsley Napley, London; Membership Officer, IBA War Crimes Committee

Farea Al-Muslimi Research Fellow, Chatham House Middle East Programme, London
Sara Elizabeth Dill Esq., Partner Anethum Global, London; Treasurer, IBA War Crimes Committee

Sahar Fetrat Assistant Researcher Afghanistan Women's Rights Human Rights Watch, London
Natalia Kubesch Legal Officer Human Rights Sanctions Redress, London

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War Crimes Committee (Lead)