
From the Co-Chairs - Arbitration Committee bulletin September 2023

Thursday 14 September 2023

Valeria Galindez
Galindez Arb, São Paulo

Xavier Favre-Bulle
Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva

Welcome to this very special edition of the newsletter, entirely dedicated to the main soft law products produced by the IBA Arbitration Committee. In an ever-evolving global legal landscape, soft law has emerged as a dynamic and flexible tool for addressing complex issues in international arbitration. The IBA Arbitration Committee’s commitment to developing and disseminating these soft law products has played a pivotal role in shaping the practice of international arbitration worldwide.

At the occasion of the Arbitration Committee's 50th anniversary, we believed that our members and those in the international arbitration community at large would be interested in learning more about the back stages of the drafting process of all these materials as well as in celebrating their significance and influence in the practice of international arbitration.

We hope that the insights and knowledge shared within these pages contribute to the continued growth of the international arbitration practice.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the members of the IBA Arbitration Committee and the countless individuals who have contributed to the development and dissemination of these soft law products. Their dedication and expertise have been instrumental in shaping the current landscape of international arbitration and will certainly continue to do so for the future generations.

We invite you to explore this publication and discover the invaluable insights that the IBA Arbitration Committee’s projects offer to the community.