Speaker details

23rd Annual International Conference on Private Investment Funds

9 Mar - 11 Mar 2025

The Landmark London, London, England

Speaker information

Tarek Mardini


Tarek Mardini is a lawyer and partner in the Investment Funds practice at POELLATH, a market leading German law firm with 180 lawyers and tax advisers in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich focusing on transactions and asset management. Tarek specializes in providing comprehensive advice on regulatory, corporate, contract, and tax law as well as market terms conformity assessment and fund governance in the area of alternative investment funds and asset management. He advises fund managers on fund structuring as well as institutional investors and family offices on investments in private equity, venture capital, private debt, real estate funds and other alternative investment funds. He also advises on complex secondary transactions (LP-led portfolio sales and GP-led transactions). He regularly publishes on current fund topics and is a sought-after speaker at national and international conferences (IBA, Invest Europe, MUPET and several universities). He is the author of numerous publications (editor/co-author of a PE funds handbook, co-author of a commentary on the tax treatment of PE funds, more than 60 other articles). He is listed in national and international rankings as a leading advisor for private funds. He is a board member of the German-American Lawyers Association (DAJV, a member of the "Investor Regulation Working Group" of Invest Europe and a member of the Tech Working Group of the Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI) (an asset class- and product-spanning representative organization of interests for alternative investments in Germany). He is a co-organiser of the Munich Private Equity Training (MUPET) conference (since 2018) and editor-in-chief of the online publication “Private Equity Magazine”. Tarek studied law in Berlin (Germany), Glasgow (UK) and the University of Connecticut School of Law (USA). He received a Fulbright Scholarship and Friedrich-Naumann-Scholarship.


Workshop 6: Insurance solutions

Monday 10 March (1430 - 1515)

Grand Ballroom
