Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, France

Speaker information

Étienne Chantrel


Étienne Chantrel heads the mergers unit at the Autorité de la concurrence. He previously worked as an economist in the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance from 2008 to 2014 and from 2016 to 2017, holding various positions at the French Treasury where he was in charge of the economic analysis of sectoral reforms, and of the macroeconomic impact of economic policy, and at the French statistical institute, where he was in charge of Eurozone economic forecasts. He was an adviser to the Minister for the Economy from 2014 to 2016, in charge of competition and structural reforms. As such he designed a major structural reform law known as the “Macron” law, enacted in 2015. Étienne Chantrel graduated from École normale supérieure, from the Paris Institute of Political Studies and from ENSAE. He studied economics at the University of Chicago and the University of Toulouse and holds a PhD in economics from Télécom ParisTech on “Competition, Innovation and Growth”.


Latest developments in global merger control (roundtable format)

Monday 30 October (1115 - 1230)

Room 252 A&B, Level 2
