
Tag results for 'Law Firm management'

Comparing law firm costs: Law Firm Management Committee survey, February 2021

The Law Firm Management Committee monthly survey series: February 2021.

Released on Apr 27, 2021

Book review: Managing Talent for Success: Talent Development in Law Firms (2nd edn)

Looked at from the outside, lawyers may appear to be individual experts. Alone, or close to it. Self-sufficient and self-reliant. The expert to be called upon for a particular task or project. A student attending a law faculty is not likely to be disabused of this perception. For many lawyers in private practice around the world, this is indeed the reality.

GCs on Covid-19

Two of the main challenges general counsels (GCs) have faced in 2020 are the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated economic downturn. This session looked at how these challenges have affected the role of the GC and global business as a whole, as well as how in-house legal leaders are adapting to a new climate. As well as providing these insights, the panel will explore the opportunities for law firms arising from the continued impact of Covid-19.

Retaining talent in the 21st century

The session addressed trends in talent retention, with a particular focus on what is emerging in the wake of the pandemic. Identifying resilient talent becomes an important challenge, as does rethinking remuneration packages and adopting new ways to ensure that culture and social engagement survive.

Privilege and confidentiality: resetting the conversation

This session looked at the key themes of lawyers unintentionally misusing, wilfully turning a blind eye to, or knowingly abusing claims of privilege; and what the legal profession can do to prevent misuse and abuse of privilege.

What clients expect from Latin American lawyers in this new era of legal tech and frenetic changes

A session which looked at the biggest challenges and trends in relation to the acquisition and use of data for lawyers in Latin America.

Women, millennials and the partnership track: is it the ultimate goal?

This session discussed the shift towards a more balanced and diverse workplace for the legal profession in order to attract and retain talent from the millennial generation.

Lateral hiring – making it work

This session looked at the motivations for partner moves; lateral hiring strategies; and how to ensure the lateral hire can benefit the firm, and more.

Bullying and sexual harassment in the legal profession - can we change the culture?

This session looked at at the IBA's Us Too? Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession report, and the culture change required in the legal sector.

From the Editor, Law Firm Management Committee, December 2020

A message from the Editor of the Law Firm Management Committee, December 2020.

The right culture - what does this mean and how can we shape the culture for the future?

Up until spring of 2020, stories abounded in the legal and lay press about the toxic culture in the legal profession. Mental health issues were on the rise, bullying and harassment were all too common, and lawyers were working to the point of burnout. This session explored these issues from different perspectives: the young lawyer, the female lawyer, the senior lawyer and the sole practitioner in a developing country.

Fighting bias in the age of machine learning and artificial intelligence

Continuing developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have raised concerns that algorithms may be unfairly or even illegally biased. This session allowed participants to hear from and interact with leading specialists in the fields of machine learning and AI as they intersect with ethics and the law, in order to understand if eliminating bias in machine learning is possible or even desirable from a technical standpoint.

How to be a successful and sustainable small/medium law firm

This session addressed the advantages and disadvantages of these firms, especially during times of change and crisis; how to retain talent and be profitable.

Managing partners roundtable

This roundtable session brought together law firm leaders from five countries on five continents to talk about shared and divergent experiences living through a global pandemic and a global economic recession.

Rethinking leadership approaches in light of Covid-19 – individuals matter!

Highlights of the webinar held on 30 September, looking at the challenges that individuals within law firms are facing at the moment and what true leadership can do to help with these challenges.

From the Editor, Law Firm Management Committee, October 2020

A message from the Editor of the Law Firm Management Committee, October 2020.

Law firm culture: its impact on revenue, recruitment and retention

Highlights of the webinar held on 29 September 2020, discussing the various factors which contribute to law firm culture, and the role of nationality and local customs.

Avoiding juristic park – a barometer of the profession

Survey results on whether law firms of all sizes would be able to go back to ‘business as usual’ after an initial recovery phase, or whether the post-Covid-19 crisis world will witness profound and lasting changes in law firm work and structures.

Client development in the post-Covid-19 era

Highlights of the webinar held on 8 July 2020, discussing new methods lawyers and marketers are using for marketing and business development under the new paradigm.

Geographic flexibility and the new world of work in the legal sector

An article on the abrupt shift to a remote-working environment which has led to an acceleration of digital transformation projects, and its lasting effects on client-relationship management, internal collaboration and the organisational structures of law firms.

Personal tales from the wild side: the lawyers’ survival guide to Covid-19

Highlights of the webinar held on 21 April 2020, discussing the lawyers' survival guide to Covid-19, with reflections from legal practitioners and industry specialists from across the globe.

Personal tales from the wild side part 2: what’s the new normality going to look like after lockdown?

Highlights of the webinar held on 9 June 2020, discussing the best strategies for dealing with and coming out of lockdown, and what lies ahead.

The ‘great leap’ forward? Your law firm post-Covid-19

Highlights of the webinar held on 23 June 2020, discussing how this crisis has been different from other crises, and how we can use this time to make the great leap forward in terms of our law firms' business.

The new world of work: returning to the office – when and why should we do it?

Highlights of the webinar held on 23 July 2020, discussing the reopening of offices, and whether there is an appetite among staff to go back to the office.

Maintaining for your firm's financial and structural stability during and after Covid-19

Maintaining financial and structural stability of law firms- Law Firm Management Committee newsletter article, April 2020

How Bar leaders are leading and supporting Covid-19 crisis management

How are Bar leaders leading Covid-19 crisis management efforts- Law Firm Management Committee newsletter article, April 2020

From the Editor, April 2020

From the Editor- Law Firm Management Committee newsletter article, April 2020

Client servicing during and after Covid-19 - the corporate counsel perspective

Thoughts on how to develop relationships between in-house legal departments and law firms during the Covid-19 emergency

Challenging times bring challenging negotiations: legal negotiation skills needed in times of unprecedented change

Challenging times bring challenging negotiations- Law Firm Management Committee newsletter article, April 2020

Co-Chairs' note, April 2020

From the Co-Chairs - Law Firm Management Committee newsletter article, April 2020