
From the Editor, April 2020

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Tahera Mandviwala
Website and Communications Officer, Law Firm Management Committee


Dear Law Firm Management Committee members,

Since the Covid-19 outbreak has been declared to be a pandemic, the Law Firm Management Committee has made several efforts to provide timely guidance and support to all its members, to enable them to adequately and promptly deal with the specific law firm management concerns and issues arising from this crisis.    

Over the past month the Committee, among other things, has set up a Covid-19 webpage on its website as an information-sharing platform for members, where relevant Covid-19-related information and guidelines (including checklists for law firm practice during and after Covid-19) are being regularly posted. The Committee has also held two very interesting and successful webinars for its members on dealing with the Covid-19 crisis, which can be viewed on its website under 'Past conferences and webinars'. This e-bulletin contains key takeaways from the webinar held on 19 March 2020, ‘Covid-19 crisis management: what law firms should be doing for themselves and their clients’, where law firm leaders from around the globe candidly discussed their experiences in handling the pandemic and explored crisis management for law firms including how to assist clients during this crisis.

In continuation of these efforts, we have put together this e-bulletin with articles specifically written for our members by prominent authors from different factions of the legal market, who have shared their thoughts and experiences on various aspects relating to Covid-19 crisis management for law firms. This e-bulletin covers a wide range of topics discussing useful Covid-19 survival tactics including: what bar leaders are doing; how legal directories are reacting; meeting your clients' crisis needs and expectations; communicating and connecting in the new virtual world; tackling negotiations during a crisis; business development in times of social distancing; maintaining employee engagement and productivity in agile working conditions; protecting health and wellbeing of employees during a pandemic; lending a hand to your clients and community; pro bono efforts during crisis; sustaining your firm’s financial and structural stability; and business continuity, surviving after Covid-19.  

We hope you find this e-bulletin useful. Until the Covid-19 pandemic subsists, the Committee will continue to make best efforts to assist its members. Please keep yourself updated on the Committee's activities by regularly visiting the Law Firm Management Committee website. Also, do join the Committee's sessions during the IBA's ‘Black swan ruling – entrepreneurship and the economy under and after the pandemicvirtual conference from 18-29 May 2020. For one of these sessions, the Committee is conducting a survey on how to kick-start your law firm in the post-Covid-19 world, you can complete the survey here

If you would like to submit an article or any other material relating to law firm management issues or topics for publication on the Law Firm Management Committee webpages (including the Covid-19 Information and Guidelines webpage) and in the Committee e-bulletins, please email them to tahera.mandviwala@tdtlegal.co for consideration. We also welcome any suggestions that you may have on how the Committee can do more for its members during this crisis.

Take care and stay safe.

Tahera Mandviwala


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