
Tag results for '2021'

Rwanda: IBAHRI condemns unfair trial leading to conviction of Paul Rusesabagina

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns the numerous violations of fair trial rights leading to the 25-year sentence against Paul Rusesabagina, the exiled Rwandan dissident.

Released on Sep 29, 2021

Saudi Arabia - franchise update, May 2021

Given the new requirements in Saudi Arabia under its Franchise Law, many franchise deals are now taking much longer than before, as franchisees in the region are grappling with the new requirements. This article provides an update on the jurisdiction.

Released on Jun 2, 2021

IBA announces first recipients of IBA International frontline legal aid fund

The International Bar Association (IBA) and the IBA Foundation have announced the first charities to receive either GBP 10,000 or USD 10,000 from a new funding programme, set up to support frontline legal aid providers around the world during the COVID-19 crisis.

Released on Apr 22, 2021

IBAHRI and BHRC condemn the sentencing of Veteran Hong Kong pro-democracy figures

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales (BHRC) condemn the prosecution, conviction and disproportionate sentencing of veteran Hong Kong pro-democracy figures, including Martin Lee QC, ‘father of Hong Kong democracy’, politician and legislator; Dr Margaret Ng, barrister; and media tycoon Jimmy Lai.

Released on Apr 16, 2021

Belarus: IBAHRI calls for reinstatement of Lyudmila Kazak after concerning ruling upholds disbarment

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) expresses deep concern that the Ministry of Justice’s Qualification Commission on Advocacy Issues’ (the Commission) decision disbarring the prominent human rights lawyer Lyudmila Kazak has been upheld in Belarus by the Minsk City Court. The IBAHRI calls for Ms Kazak’s professional reinstatement.

Released on Apr 16, 2021

IBAHRI condemns ongoing and escalating violence against protestors in Myanmar

With more than 700 civilians killed by security forces and 3,080 arrested in Myanmar (Burma), as cited by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) again condemns the ongoing and escalating violent attacks against people protesting the 1 February 2021 military coup d’état.

Released on Apr 14, 2021

IBAHRI condemns former South African president Jacob Zuma’s non-compliance with apex court order

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) condemns former South African president Jacob Zuma’s non-compliance with a Constitutional Court of South Africa order to appear before the Commission investigating corruption allegations made against him. The Court’s 28 January 2021 order was handed down after Mr Zuma walked out of proceedings on 19 November 2020, without permission from Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo who is leading the corruption probe.

Released on Apr 9, 2021

IBA and The College of Law Australia launch online anti-harassment training for the legal profession

Following the publication of the 2019 landmark report Us Too? Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession, the International Bar Association (IBA) Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU), in collaboration with The College of Law Australia, have launched a set of e-learning modules designed to guide individuals and workplaces towards making positive cultural changes.

Released on Apr 8, 2021

IBA welcomes removal of sanctions on ICC Prosecutor and senior official

The International Bar Association (IBA) welcomes the repeal of the sanctions placed by United States former president Donald Trump on International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and Phakiso Mochochoko, the Head of the Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division of the Office of the Prosecutor.

Released on Apr 7, 2021

China: IBA salutes advocates standing up for the rule of law

The International Bar Association (IBA) joins the international community in solidarity with those against whom China’s government has levied asset and visa sanctions. Widely regarded as retaliatory measures by the Chinese authorities, individuals, institutions and organisations, that have been critical of the alleged ill-treatment of Uighur Muslims in the Northern province of Xianjiang in China, have been targeted by China’s government.

Released on Mar 29, 2021

IBAHRI condemns the disbarment of Azerbaijani Lawyer Shahla Humbatova

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the disbarment of Azerbaijani human rights lawyer Shahla Humbatova by the Baku Administrative Court. The decision follows a request made by the Azerbaijani Bar Association (ABA) to disbar her. Critics describe the action as disproportionate and politically motivated.

Released on Mar 26, 2021

Myanmar: IBA condemns elimination of citizens’ rights and calls for release of detained lawyers

The International Bar Association (IBA) strongly condemns the systematic destruction by the junta in Myanmar of people’s legal protections, including the right to life, freedom of expression, assembly, association, privacy, legal representation of one’s choice and a fair trial. The IBA calls for the restoration of citizens’ rights, and for the release of detained protestors and defence lawyers.

Released on Mar 24, 2021

IBAHRI urges governments to utilise universal jurisdiction in case of Jamal Khashoggi murder

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) urges governments around the world to utilise universal jurisdiction to arrest and try Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman following the revelation that he approved a plan to ‘capture or kill’ the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Released on Mar 22, 2021

IBA elevates partnership with Grotius Centre to stage annual moot court competition

In the context of the rule of law under threat in many jurisdictions, the International Bar Association (IBA) has announced a fortified partnership with the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden Law School to annually stage the largest moot competition focussed on international criminal law: the final round of which usually takes place at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

Released on Mar 18, 2021

La IBA lanza el proyecto "50/50 en 2030": un estudio longitudinal sobre la desigualdad de género en la profesión jurídica

Con motivo del International Women’s Day 2021 ( Día Internacional de la Mujer 2021), la International Bar Association (la “IBA”) anunció el lanzamiento de un ambicioso proyecto global de nueve años, el primero de esta envergadura, para determinar las causas fundamentales de la falta de igualdad de género en los puestos de responsabilidad, identificar si las iniciativas de diversidad introducidas para abordar esta disparidad están teniendo algún impacto y proporcionar conclusiones prácticas y orientación a

Released on Mar 15, 2021

BHRC and IBAHRI urge President Joe Biden to rescind Executive Order 13928 signed by former President Trump

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (“BHRC”) and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (“IBAHRI”) write to urge you to rescind Executive Order 13928 (“the Order”) signed by President Trump on 11 July 2020 following the Decision of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) of 5 March 2020 authorising the investigation into alleged war crimes committed in Afghanistan.

Released on Mar 12, 2021

IBAHRI submits amicus curiae brief on military jurisdiction to the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) has submitted an amicus curiae brief to the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil on regional and international human rights law, standards and norms, regarding military jurisdiction over gross human rights violations in peacetime.

Released on Mar 9, 2021

IBAHRI apresenta amicus curiae sobre jurisdição militar ao Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil

O International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute – IBAHRI (Instituto de Direitos Humanos da International Bar Association) apresentou uma petição de amicus curiae ao Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil sobre as leis, normas e padrões regionais e internacionais de direitos humanos, a respeito da jurisdição militar em face de graves violações dos direitos humanos em tempo de paz.

Released on Mar 9, 2021

IBA launches ‘50/50 by 2030’ project – a longitudinal study into gender disparity in law

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021, the International Bar Association (IBA) announced the launch of an ambitious first-of-its-kind, nine-year global project to uncover the root-causes of the lack of gender parity at the most senior levels of the legal profession, identify whether diversity initiatives...

Released on Mar 8, 2021

International Women’s Day 2021: IBAHRI reaffirms commitment to addressing the gendered nature of law and discrimination within

In a Resolution passed unanimously by its Council of esteemed judges and international lawyers, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) reaffirms its commitment to address discrimination against women in law, legal systems and legal practice.

Released on Mar 8, 2021

Sri Lanka: IBAHRI and BHRC issue statement on deteriorating human rights situation

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (‘BHRC’) and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (‘IBAHRI’) are gravely concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation in Sri Lanka and join calls made during the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council (‘UNHRC’) for Sri Lanka to pursue accountability for past and recent grave human rights violations.

Released on Mar 5, 2021

IBA and IBAHRI condemn the killing of protestors in Myanmar and rampant violence of security forces

The International Bar Association and International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute condemn the killing of unarmed anti-coup protestors in Myanmar and the escalation in violence meted out against them by the police and security forces.IBA President Sternford Moyo said: ‘It is incomprehensible and appalling that the very people who should be protecting and serving the citizens of Myanmar, are instead killing them...

Released on Mar 5, 2021

IBAHRI and CFJ condemn the revocation of legal licences in Belarus and call for their reinstatement

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and the Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ) strongly condemn the new wave of repression against the legal profession in Belarus that has seen at least four lawyers deprived of their licence to practise, including Lyudmila Kazak, lawyer for Belarusian Opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova. The rights groups call for the reinstatement of the lawyers' licences.

Released on Mar 2, 2021

Are whistleblowing laws working? IBA and Government Accountability Project publish landmark report

A new report, Are Whistleblowing Laws Working? A Global Study of Whistleblower Protection Litigation, tracks the records of whistleblower laws in 37 countries and provides an unprecedented effort to understand the successes and shortcomings of whistleblower protection legislation worldwide, following a proliferation of laws in recent decades.

Released on Mar 2, 2021

IBA President says FACTI report recommendation would undermine independence of the legal profession

The president of the International Bar Association (IBA) Sternford Moyo has said that a recommendation, contained in a report published today, that governments should regulate lawyers in line with ‘the demands of sustainable finance and the public interest’ is concerning. At the publication’s launch, Mr Moyo addressed a panel of high-ranking United Nations Member States’ representatives with his reservations

Released on Feb 26, 2021

IBAHRI announces launch of International Fair Trial Day and the Ebru Timtik Award

The right to a fair trial has long been recognised by the international community as a fundamental human right. Without a fair trial every individual risks becoming the victim of a miscarriage of justice. Either as an innocent suspect wrongly convicted, or as a victim unable to secure justice for a wrong perpetrated against them. Ebru Timtik was one...

Released on Feb 23, 2021

IBA welcomes election of new ICC officials

The International Bar Association (IBA) welcomes the election of Karim Khan QC as the next Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and six judges, as well as the new president, vice presidents and members of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) – the Court's management oversight and legislative body, composed of...

Released on Feb 22, 2021

IRAN: Organisations express concern over arbitrary imprisonment of Dr Reza Eslami and call for his release

In an open letter to His Excellency Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and other institutions call on him to take urgent, immediate action to release human rights professor Dr Reza Eslami and other political prisoners arbitrarily imprisoned.

Released on Feb 18, 2021

IBAHRI condemns spate of executions in Iran and calls for a halt

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the recent spate of executions carried out by the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, according to reports, numbered at least 48 during December 2020 and January 2021. A further two executions are reported to have taken place on 13 February 2021.

Released on Feb 17, 2021

IBAHRI condemns arbitrary detentions of human rights activists in Belarus and calls for their release

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) strongly condemns the continued unlawful detentions of Belarusian human rights activists Leanid Sudalenka and Tatsiana Lasitsa, and calls for their release. Mr Sudalenka, a lawyer and head of the Gomel branch of the Viasna Human Rights Centre, and Ms Lasitsa, a volunteer at Viasna...

Released on Feb 16, 2021