LPRU Business Plan 2024-2026

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Business Plan 2024-2026

IBA Legal Projects covering the Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU) and Bar Issues Commission (BIC) Projects

The aims and objectives of the IBA are to:

  • protect the rule of law and enhance the rule of law globally;
  • support the independence of the judiciary and the right of lawyers to practise their profession without interference;
  • support human rights for lawyers worldwide through the IBA’s Human Rights Institute;
  • provide members with world-class professional development to enable them and their organisations to deliver outstanding legal services;
  • promote an exchange of information and views among its members as to laws, practices and professional responsibilities around the globe;
  • deliver top-level international network building opportunities;
  • be committed to the development of international law reform; and
  • contribute to the advancement, development and harmonisation of law at an international level.

The Legal Policy and Research Unit (LPRU)

  1. The IBA Director of Legal Projects oversees the work of the Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU).
  2. The LPRU comprises a team of mixed-discipline project lawyers, project co-ordinators, and interns.
  3. Each LPRU team member has a particular area of expertise, which they develop through project-based work described below. Recruitment criteria may include the need to have expertise in a specified area.
  4. To achieve its aims and objectives, the LPRU performs an ambassadorial role on behalf of the IBA through conference/event attendance and collaboration with external stakeholders on key issues of mutual concern.

LPRU Projects

  1. LPRU projects and activity should always:
    • further the aims and objectives of the IBA listed above;
    • draw on the expertise and input from IBA-member committees, regional fora, bar associations and law societies, group member firms, and individuals;
    • ensure innovative, collaborative, and effective outcomes through engagement with relevant non-IBA legal professionals, law firms, law societies and bar associations, governments, non-government organisations, and international institutions;
    • demonstrate thought leadership;
    • lead to the production of practical materials, guidance, and participation in internal and external events; and
    • further the interests of the global legal profession, and enhance the profile of the IBA.
  2. LPRU projects must have the support of at least one IBA entity. Whether a project is undertaken will depend on:
    • whether the project meets the criteria listed at 1 above;
    • the capacity of the LPRU at that time; and
    • the availability of necessary internal and/or external financial resources.
  3. LPRU projects are publicised in a variety of ways, including:
    • via the IBA website, social media, and press channels;
    • LPRU team members supporting, engaging with, and appearing at virtual and in-person IBA and non-IBA conferences and events; and
    • other external awareness raising activities, such as webinars, articles, and publications.
  4. All LPRU projects are reviewed regularly by the IBA Director of Legal Projects and reported on to the IBA Management Board as required.