IBA Interview with Open Society Justice Initiative Founder James Goldston

Friday 17 December 2010

The IBA hosted an experts’ roundtable discussion entitled ‘Great Expectations: exploring individual and mutual responsibilities of states and the International Criminal Court’ on 30 November, 2010, at the Peace Palace, The Hague. After the discussion, panel moderator James Goldston, founding Executive Director of the Open Society Justice Initiative - an organisation that promotes rights-based law reform and the development of legal capacity worldwide - spoke to IBA Senior Reporter Rebecca Lowe about some of the biggest challenges currently facing the Court.

A leading practitioner of international human rights and criminal law, Goldston has litigated several groundbreaking cases before the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations treaty bodies, and has served as Co-ordinator of Prosecutions and Senior Trial Attorney in the Office of the Prosecutor at the ICC.

  • Watch the roundtable discussion here
  • Watch an exclusive IBA interview with ICC President Sang-Hyun Song here
  • ​​​​​​​Watch the IBA Interview with Mary Whelan, Ambassador of Ireland to The Netherlands here