HRI Training Manuals on Human Rights and Accountability Mechanisms for Syrian Legal Professionals

Friday 4 January 2019

The IBAHRI has partnered with the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) to strengthen the capacity of Syrian lawyers to engage with international and national human rights and accountability mechanisms. The project, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), aims to develop a short- and long-term engagement strategy for Syrian legal professionals within human rights and accountability mechanisms.

The IBAHRI has developed two Training Manuals to provide Syrian legal professionals with the necessary tools to report human rights violations and bring to justice individuals responsible for the most atrocious crimes committed in the Syrian Arab Republic. 

For more information on the IBAHRI’s Syria Project, please click here.

Training of Trainers: A Facilitator’s Guide to United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms for Syrian Lawyers

A Facilitator’s Guide to United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms for Syrian Lawyers

Published November 2018

This Facilitator's Guide has been prepared to equip Syrian legal professionals with the knowledge and resources to train their peers on engagement with UN human rights mechanisms.

The objectives of this guide are to assist legal professionals with:

  • becoming trainers and running a training course;
  • explaining the mandate and role of UN human rights mechanisms in protecting and promoting human rights and rule of law principles in Syria and how to engage with them;
  • strategically using UN human rights mechanisms to report violations of human rights and rule of law principles in Syria;
  • preparing submissions to relevant UN mechanisms; and
  • using UN recommendations in their legal practice, including litigation, research and out-of-courtroom advocacy.

The guide is divided into four parts, which can be referred to individually:

  • Part I: Planning your training provides information on the necessary steps to prepare training and other relevant advice for facilitators.
  • Part II: Training sessions follows the structure of the suggested training workshop and is divided into 11 sessions. Each session contains suggestions on the duration of the course, the material needed, and key resources and exercises. The sessions end with a content section compiling the minimum knowledge required for each session.
  • Part III: Evaluating your training contains information on training evaluation.
  • The guide ends with a series of training handouts.

Download in English | Download in Arabic


IBAHRI Training Manual: Accountability Mechanisms for Crimes Committed in Syria

IBAHRI Training Manual Accountability Mechanisms for Crimes Committed in Syria

Published November 2018

This training curriculum is aimed at Syrian legal professionals. It provides practical training on the documentation, investigation and prosecution of international crimes as part of the armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic and provides an insight into the different legal procedures of civil law, common law and international criminal judicial institutions.

Download in English | Download in Arabic