
Editor's note - Technology Law Committee

Thursday 24 June 2021

Dear readers,

I am delighted to share with you this summer 2021 edition of the IBA Technology Law Committee eBulletin. 

The topics covered in this issue echo the legal and technology developments keeping us and our clients busy, which include such topics as privacy and data protection, telemedicine, domain names, artificial intelligence, open banking and foreign investments. 

You can consult each article by clicking on the links below:

On behalf of the Technology Law Committee, I would like to thank all our contributors for sharing their practical insights on these questions.

If you wish to contribute to the next edition of this newsletter, please send me your abstract no later than 30 July at ehenry@blg.com

I wish you a good read and remain available for any questions you may have about our newsletter.

Kind regards,

Elisa Henry

Publications Officer, IBA Technology Law Committee