14th Annual London Finance and Capital Markets Conference

20 Jan - 21 Jan 2025

Session information

Securitisation transactions, what’s next after receivables and do taxes play a role


The panel will focus on the new frontiers of securitisation of assets other than receivables, such as real estate, renewable energies and movable properties. Do taxes play a role in the effort to render liquid traditionally illiquid assets? The panellists will discuss the new trends on the market in different jurisdictions.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Bernadette Accili Accili Tax & Law, Milan, Italy


Adam Blakemore Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft, London, England
Paul Carman Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Daniel Nicholas Paul Hastings, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Michael Nordin Schellenberg Wittmer, Zürich, Switzerland
Rebeca Rodriguez Martínez Cuatrecasas, Madrid, Spain
James Somerville A&L Goodbody, Dublin, Ireland
Niklas Thibblin Waselius, Helsinki, Finland