IBA Private Equity Transactions Symposium 2024

17 Oct 2024

Session information

Secrets of a good marriage: issues in club deals and minority investments

Thursday 17 October (1600 - 1640)


The private equity industry in its early days, when funds were smaller, often clubbed together on larger deals – and in recent years there has been a resurgence. At the same time, minority investing has sprung up as a distinct strategy. What explains this? What are the challenges and the solutions? How can we effectively trust but protect? These deals are never straight forward and this panel will look at how some of the technical and business issues are being overcome.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Filippo De Falco Slaughter and May, London, England


Jackie Cohen Ropes & Gray, New York, New York, USA
Sarah Kurash OPTrust Pension Plan, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrew Stevens Inflexion Private Equity Partners, London, England