8th Global Entrepreneurship Conference

13 May - 14 May 2024

Session information

Interactive workshop one: selected corporate governance topics (Part I)


We will hold two consecutive and interactive workshops.

Delegates will work in roundtable groups to discuss the following corporate governance topics, which will be debated interactively :

1. Family matters: Opening to new members and investors

2. Technology Governance: addressing AI and automation in corporate decision-making; cybersecurity threats and the role of the board/ management in AI oversight

3. ESG: board and management. climate change; diversity and inclusion; human capital

4. Executive compensation: aligning incentives with long-term shareholder value.

5. Shareholder activism and proxy battles: trends and tactics in corporate governance.

6. Politics and business: how are boards affected by political uncertainty and unstable global environment?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Harvey Cohen Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; LPD Council Member
Tom Coulter Travers Smith, London, England
Patricia Gannon Platforum9, Dublin, Ireland
Daniele Giombini Mondini Bonora Ginevra Law Firm , Milan, Italy
Allan Grauberd Moses & Singer LLP, New York, New York, USA
Orsolya Görgényi Budapest Bar Association, Budapest, Hungary
Andreas Kloyer Luther, Frankfurt, Germany; European Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Dinka Kovacevic Kovacevic Prpic Simeunovic Law Firm, Zagreb, Croatia; Scholarship Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Alexandra Martins Cuatrecasas, Lisbon, Portugal; Young Lawyers' Committee Liaison Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee
Rosina Muller Bernar RIC Energy, Madrid, Spain; Student Initiatives, Young Lawyers' Committee
Marie-Aude Noury Squair, Paris, France; Chair, Structured Finance Subcommittee
Daniel Rodriguez Rodriguez Rueda, Mexico City, Mexico
Mercedes Rodriguez Giavarini Mitrani / Caballero, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Conference Coordinator, Closely Held Companies Committee
Philip Van Hilten No More Worries, The Hague, Netherlands