8th Global Entrepreneurship Conference

13 May - 14 May 2024

Session information

Challenges of good governance in closely held companies and alignment of diverging interests


Achieving a good corporate governance is a major issue for closely-held companies. Although there is no one formula and the ultimate governance structure depends on the company’s unique circumstances, there are common driving forces and challenges, especially in what concerns family-run businesses. We will have the opportunity to share experiences, views and best practices of our speakers with the participants, with emphasis on crucial topics such as professional managerial structures, ideal succession planning and suitable mechanisms to align shareholders’ interests.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Sara Garcia Vazquez Uria Menendez, Madrid, Spain
Florian Jorg Bratschi AG, Zürich, Switzerland; Membership Officer, Closely Held Companies Committee


Joan Albos Roca, Barcelona, Spain
Christian Hoenig WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG, Vienna, Austria
María Romero González Byass, Cadiz, Spain
Mirko Sickinger HEUKING, Cologne, Germany