IBA Annual Conference Mexico City 2024
15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024
Session information
A new horizon of investors: understanding trends of new investments from China, Singapore and Arab countries across Latin America
Tuesday 17 September (1115 - 1230)
Latin American Regional Forum
Latin American countries have seen a sustained increase of investments from countries who traditionally were not focused on the region. Over the last decade, China has had prominence in new investments in several industries and more recently, we have seen a surge of investments from Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. This panel will explore the main interests of investors from these jurisdictions and their short and long-term view of investment prospects, as well as principal considerations for choosing certain host jurisdictions over the others.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Jaime Cubillos | Posse Herrera Ruiz, Bogota, Colombia; Special Projects Officer, Latin American Regional Forum |
Jose Visoso | Galicia Abogados, Mexico City, Mexico; Scholarship Officer, Latin American Regional Forum |
Thiago Fernandes Moreira | Mattos Filho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Co-Vice Chair , Project Establishment Subcommittee |
Paola Morales | International Finance Corporation, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico |
France Tenaille | Gowling WLG LLP, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Ambassador Julián Ventura | Albright Stonebridge Group, Mexico City, Mexico |