13th Annual London Finance and Capital Markets Conference
15 Jan - 16 Jan 2024
Session information
Current and developing issues in cross-border finance
Monday 15 January (1600 - 1715)
- Interest deduction limitations and thin capitalisation
- Beneficial ownership/conduit financing
- Anti-hybrid rules
- Fund financing transactions
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Paul Carman | Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, Illinois, USA |
Rafael Calvo | Garrigues, London, England |
Florian Lechner | A&O Shearman, Frankfurt, Germany |
Matthew Mortimer | Mayer Brown, London, England |
Luca Romanelli | AndPartners Tax and Law, Rome, Italy |
Elissa Romanin | MinterEllison, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Treasurer, Taxes Committee |
Paul Stepak | Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |