IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Room 252 A&B, Level 2

Session information

Women Lawyers' Committee open business meeting: a roundtable discussion: How to make the most of the IBA for women lawyers’ business development

Wednesday 1 November (1400 - 1430)

Room 252 A&B, Level 2


Women Lawyers' Committee (Lead)
IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council


This year’s open business meeting of Women Lawyers’ Committee will take a roundtable style in an efficient 30-minute networking session at the end of the lunch break. Participants will be divided into smaller groups, and will share tips for women lawyers to make the most of the IBA for their business/career development. Of course, male lawyers are also more than welcome to attend. The roundtable session will be followed by a Women Lawyers’ Committee panel titled “Stop preaching to the choir! Male champions as catalysts of gender parity in law firms” in the same room.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Akila Agrawal Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, New Delhi, Delhi, India; Asia Pacific Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Women Lawyers' Committee
Masako Banno Okuno & Partners, Tokyo, Japan; Co-Chair, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
Marie Park Kim & Chang, Singapore, Singapore; Projects Officer, Women Lawyers' Committee
Antonia Verna Portolano Cavallo, Milan, Italy; Member, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
Petra Zijp NautaDutilh, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Scholarship Officer, Law Firm Management Committee