19th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference

13 Jun - 14 Jun 2023

Session information

Panel 3: Compliance and the rise of machines


In recent years, compliance has catapulted into the digital age, and the future is bright. Technological innovations are transforming how companies assess and mitigate their anti-corruption and other compliance risks. For example, technologies that enable companies to monitor their financial systems for suspicious transactions – a core expectation of an effective compliance programs – have become increasingly effective, accessible and collaborative. Companies are employing machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI) in seeking to leverage data to bolster their compliance programs.  

Meanwhile, AI-powered natural language processing can help identify potential compliance risks from among unstructured data such as email and social media. AI also can offer predictive insights that support better risk assessment and decision-making, as well as new functionality with the potential to enliven compliance training. Of particular prominence, with the explosion of ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots, all eyes have turned to ways in which generative AI may disrupt the legal and compliance professions, among others, such as crafting policies and procedures.  

This panel will discuss some of the exciting opportunities to leverage technology in concert with human expertise, bolstering compliance programs while hopefully avoiding associated risks and challenges including around data privacy and bias. 

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Andrew M Levine Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York, New York, USA; Co-Chair, Anti-Corruption Committee


Stephane Eljarrat Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; North American Regional Representative, Anti-Corruption Committee
Thiago Jabor Pinheiro Mattos Filho, São Paulo, Brazil; Membership Officer, Anti-Corruption Committee
Silvia Martina Cagnola & Associati Studio Legale, Milan, Italy; Newsletter Editor, Anti-Corruption Committee
Melda Tanyeri Nokia, London, England