32nd Annual IBA Communications and Competition Law Conference

17 Apr - 18 Apr 2023

Session information

The fair share debate and whether it could have a wider influence on regulation, competition or net neutrality


Antitrust Section (Lead)
Communications Law Committee (Lead)


In Europe there is growing debate as to whether online service providers should be required to contribute to the costs of deployments of network infrastructure to achieve the objectives of the 2030 European Digital Decade. The panel will discuss potential implications on EU existing regulation such as net neutrality and competition as well as in IP interconnection.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Innocenzo Genna Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale, Naples, Italy; Working Group Coordinator, Communications Law Committee
Andrew Robert Ward Stott Gomez-Acebo & Pombo, Madrid, Spain; Newsletter Editor, Antitrust Section


Grania Holzwarth Deutsche Telekom, Brussels, Belgium
Thomas Lohninger Epicenter.works, Vienna, Austria
Andrea Stazi Google, Rome, Italy
Tiziana Talevi Iliad, Rome, Italy