IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Room 351, Level 3

Session information

Creating and implementing a diversity and inclusion strategy for the law firm

Tuesday 31 October (1115 - 1230)

Room 351, Level 3


European Regional Forum (Lead)
IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
IBA Legal Policy & Research Unit
LGBTQI+ Law Committee
Women Lawyers' Committee


Law firm leaders, in-house counsels and D&I experts will lead a discussion on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and on the opportunity (or not) of designing and implementing diversity and inclusion policies in law firms. The IBA project consisting in drafting of a global D&I toolkit for law firms of different sizes across the various jurisdictions will be presented. 
After a brief overview of the key elements of the IBA D&I toolkit, a discussion will be encouraged on the following topics: (i) the main challenges that law firms may face when implementing diversity and inclusion policies, (ii) how law firms can ensure that diversity and inclusion is not just a checkbox exercise, but rather a true commitment to creating a more equitable workplace, (iii) what steps law firms can take to guarantee that diversity and inclusion remains a priority in their organization, (iv) how law firms can "sell” their diversity and inclusion efforts to clients, and what benefits this can bring to them.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Delia Mensitieri Nitrodi Consulting, Brussels, Belgium


Masako Banno Okuno & Partners, Tokyo, Japan; Co-Chair, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
Stephen Bowman -, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Co-Chair, Future of Legal Services Commission
Steeves Bujold McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Montréal, Québec, Canada; Website Officer, LGBTQI+ Law Committee
Sara Carnegie International Bar Association, London, England; Member, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
Remy Choo RCL Chambers Law Corporation, Singapore, Singapore; Co-Vice Chair , LGBTQI+ Law Committee
Melissa Davis MD Communications, London, England
Andrea Dermody DERMODY, Dublin, Ireland
József Fenyvesi Oppenheim Ugyvedi Iroda, Budapest, Hungary
Aniko Keller Szecskay Attorneys at Law, Budapest, Hungary
Pavla Kopeckova Prikrylova Attorney at Law, Prague, Czech Republic; Vice Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Group, European Regional Forum
Ama Ocansey BNP Paribas, London, England
Alessia Oddone Wales CastaldiPartners, Milan, Italy
Olufunmi Oluyede TRLPLAW Solicitors, Lagos, Nigeria; Member, Women Lawyers' Committee Advisory Board
Annalisa Reale Chiomenti Studio Legale, Milan, Italy; Secretary, Women Lawyers' Committee
Rafhael Romero Bentos Mattos Filho, São Paulo, Brazil; Secretary-Treasurer, LGBTQI+ Law Committee
Antonia Verna Portolano Cavallo, Milan, Italy; Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Group, European Regional Forum
Christopher Watson CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang, London, England; Co-Chair, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
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