IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Session information
SPPI Showcase: law as a lifelong and rewarding profession
Thursday 2 November (1100 - 1230)
Section on Public and Professional Interest
Academic and Professional Development Committee
Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee
Future of Legal Services Commission
Law Firm Management Committee
Professional Ethics Committee
Senior Lawyers' Committee
Women Lawyers' Committee
Young Lawyers' Committee
This sesion will be using SLIDO. To participate go to SLIDO.com and enter the code: 1447129
Let's discuss what the legal profession should be doing to enhance its value proposition to those in the profession, those contemplating joining the profession and those who engage the services of the profession by developing and expanding the legal and non-legal skillsets of lawyers to equip them for the multi-faceted and global profession that lawyers operate in today and by creating a working environment that affords work life balance and a rewarding career so as to retain lawyers in the practice of law.
This will focus on lawyers in private practice, in-house and, across all legal sectors and will discuss and aggregate the findings in the Panel Sessions earlier in the week at IBA Paris Annual Conference which address various facets of these issues.
This SPPI Showcase promises to be a dynamic and interactive session bringing together the experiences of wide range of lawyers, young and senior, and those who rely on legal services. It is a must attend for those involved in law practice management and, in particular, if you are concerned to retain talent in these times of the Great Resignation.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Babatunde Ajibade SAN | SPA Ajibade & Co, Lagos, Nigeria; SPPI Vice Chair / Treasurer |
Myra Garrett | William Fry, Dublin, Ireland; SPPI Chair |
Jennifer Bishop | Aird & Berlis, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Senior Vice Chair, Women Lawyers' Committee |
Stephen Bowman | -, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Co-Chair, Future of Legal Services Commission |
Gabor Damjanovic | Forgó Damjanovic & Partners, Budapest, Hungary; Co-Chair, Professional Ethics Commitee |
Victoria Fearne | Barbri Global, London, England; Co-Chair, Academic and Professional Development Committee |
Alberto Mata Rodriguez | CMS Albiñana Suárez de Lezo, Madrid, Spain; SPPI Council Member |
Karen Monroe | SCHLAM STONE & DOLAN LLP, Geneva, Switzerland; Membership Officer, Senior Lawyers' Committee |
Professor Paul Paton KC | Chapman University Fowler School of Law, Orange, California, USA; Vice Chair, Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee |
Stephen Revell | Making Change Happen , London, England; Co-Chair, Law Firm Management Committee |
Steven Richman | American Bar Association, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Chair, Bar Issues Commission Policy Committee |