ESG: The Role of Lawyers Today and in the Future

28 Feb - 1 Mar 2023


Session information

Practical skills - the nuts and bolts of serving clients on ESG matters: advice from the corporate front lines on the best practices of succeeding in practicing ESG law


The growth of ESG is a priority for many corporations as well as law firms.  What is less settled is the connection between the two.  Companies are certainly investing internally and externally to grow their sophistication and success in how they govern ESG - and law firms are rapidly growing practice areas in the ESG space.  But there are significant questions about the scope of the law and legal counseling in serving clients on ESG, which areas warrant outside counsel support versus being handled in-house or through non-legal consultants, and how in-house leaders perceive the rapidly exploding law firm marketing efforts in this space. 

This panel will bring together corporate leaders in ESG programmes to share their tips and pointers for providing their counsel to law firms in the ESG arena, which practice areas drive the biggest demand for outside counsel legal work, and what they see as working and not working on law firms increasingly aggressive efforts to market their counsel in this space.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Matthias Lang Bird & Bird , Düsseldorf, Germany; Vice Chair, Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law Section (SEERIL)


Marisa Blackshire Bloom Energy, San Jose, California, USA
Yves Denize Nuveen, New York, New York, USA
Sally Fisk Pfizer Inc, New York, New York, USA
Brandon Smith GE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA