IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Room 253, Level 2

Session information

Blocking of social media accounts of businesses

Tuesday 31 October (1115 - 1230)

Room 253, Level 2


Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee (Lead)


The session will cover the legal issues arising from blocking of web sites. Such sites may be actively managed by social media accounts who may block access based on their own internal policies, i.e. in respect of hate speech, fraud or user complaints, or such web sites may be passively managed internet service provides where protection against infringement must be enforced by private action. Particular issues concern rolling web site blocking orders to control signal piracy of live broadcasts.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Ruben A Hofmann HEUKING, Cologne, Germany; Chair, IP Transactions and Technology Transfer Subcommittee
Statira Ranina ALMT Legal, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Asia Pacific Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee


Camille Aubin Robic, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Justice Amit Bansal Delhi High Court, Delhi, Delhi, India
Marie L’Hermite GGV Avocats Rechtsanwälte, Paris, France