IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Room 210, Level 2

Session information

Big Tech: can regulation deliver a better digital environment?

Wednesday 2 November (1615 - 1730)

Room 210, Level 2
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Networking hub (Exhibition hall)
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Intellectual Property, Communications and Technology Section (Lead)
Art, Cultural Institutions and Heritage Law Committee
Communications Law Committee
Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee
Media Law Committee
Space Law Committee
Technology Law Committee


Jurisdictions around the world are seeking to reshape or control the impact of the major tech and social media platforms. In this session, we will examine two regulatory trends and how they may change internet and society. First, there is growing concern about the role and power of algorithms to amplify or minimise content in ways that affect individuals' beliefs, opportunities, and wellbeing. What would it mean to regulate algorithms? Would that entail costs to freedom of expression? What regulatory efforts are underway and how could they reshape the digital landscape? Second, many jurisdictions have moved to force digital platforms like Google and Facebook to compensate news organisations for the use of their content. Why are platforms being asked to compensate news organisations? How have the platforms responded? And what impact will such efforts have? 

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Sam Feder Jenner & Block, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Regulators Liaison Officer, Communications Law Committee
Sajai Singh JSA, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India; LPD Council Liaison Officer, Art, Cultural Institutions and Heritage Law Committee


Danielle Coffey News Media Alliance , Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Martin D'Halluin News Corp, New York, New York, USA
Matt Schruers Computer & Communications Industry Association , Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Scott Wilkens Knight First Amendment Institute, New York, New York, USA