18th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference

14 Jun - 15 Jun 2022

Session information

Law enforcement update


Anti-Corruption Committee (Lead)


The panel will look at to what extent law enforcement has evolved since 2020. Have priorities changed? Have the working methods evolved? Have new challenges appeared? The panellists will confront their experiences and discuss the potential evolution of law enforcement in a world submitted to unprecedented tensions. In this context, will the international consensus built over the last 25 years on the fight against transnational bribery resist or break? Can we really assume that international cooperation will not be affected by the current events?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Nicola Bonucci , Paris, France; Member, Anti-Corruption Committee Advisory Board


Martine Dontje Public Prosecutor, Amsterdam, Netherlands
David Fuhr US Department of Justice, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Marcelo Pontes Vianna Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General, Brasilia, Brazil
Jerôme Simon National Financial Prosecutor's Office, Paris, France