18th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference

14 Jun - 15 Jun 2022

Session information

The downfall of Operation Car Wash explained


Anti-Corruption Committee (Lead)


Praised as the largest anti-corruption probe ever launched, Operation Car Wash led to repercussions in several Latin American countries such as the arrests of tycoons and senior politicians, including former presidents, and some of the largest cross-border anti-corruption settlements ever paid. Even so, like Mani pulite in Italy, Operation Car Wash ended in a rather dismal state: several judicial decisions in Brazil were rendered null and void, and some prosecutors are being prosecuted by those convicted of corruption. How was Operation Car Wash dismantled so easily during the pandemic? Is there a legacy or are there lessons to be learned for anti-corruption enforcement?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Leopoldo Pagotto Freitas Leite e Avvad Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil; Co-Chair, Anti-Corruption Committee


Benjamin Borsodi Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva, Switzerland
Maximiliano D'Auro Beccar Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Conference Quality Officer, Anti-Corruption Committee
Juliana Maia Daniel Newsletter Officer, Anti-Corruption Committee
Reynaldo Goto BRF, São Paulo, Brazil
Marcelo Ribeiro de Oliveira Ministério Público Federal, Brasilia, Brazil