IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Rooms 203-205, Level 2

Session information

IBA Showcase: the new normal of escalating cyber risks - what companies and their counsel can do
Rooms 203-205, Level 2
View location
Conference area
Networking hub (Exhibition hall)
Meeting rooms
Session rooms
The full venue map is available on the delegate homepage


Presidential Task Force on Cybersecurity (Lead)


Cyber risks to companies and their customers and employees have reached unprecedented new levels. The onslaught of ransomware attacks, state-sponsored cyber intrusions, and myriad online fraud schemes is now combined with the renewed specter of politically motivated, destructive cyber-attacks on a global scale, including against critical infrastructure companies. This session will begin with a keynote and fireside chat featuring Rob Silvers, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Undersecretary for Policy and recently appointed by President Biden to head the nation’s first Cyber Safety Review Board. This will be followed by a panel of leading cyber and data privacy legal counsel from companies and law firms around the world, who will address how lawyers can drive positive changes for their clients and firms in managing emerging cyber risks.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Sara Carnegie International Bar Association, London, England; Member, IBA Diversity & Inclusion Council
Luke Dembosky Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Søren Skibsted Kromann Reumert, Copenhagen, Denmark; Member, Technology Law Committee Advisory Board

Keynote Speakers

Robert Silvers US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Anurag Bana International Bar Association, London, England
Justin Greis McKinsey & Company, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Marc Hilber Oppenhoff & Partner RAe StB mbB, Cologne, Germany; Co-Chair, Technology Law Committee
Jordan Kelly FTI Consulting, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Brian Kelly McKinsey & Company, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Chung Nian Lam WongPartnership, Singapore, Singapore; Member, Communications Law Committee Advisory Board
Professor Ian McDougall LexisNexis, Chelmsford, England
Sternford Moyo Scanlen & Holderness, Harare, Zimbabwe
Thiago Santos Sombra Mattos Filho, Brasilia, Brazil
Brenton Steenkamp Clayton Utz, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia