IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Room 232, Level 2

Session information

Intermediary liability regime: changing paradigm

Thursday 3 November (0930 - 1045)

Room 232, Level 2
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Networking hub (Exhibition hall)
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India Working Group (Lead)
Asia Pacific Regional Forum


This session will consider the following topics:

  1. Elusive safe harbour: deciphering the contours of due diligence obligations to be carried out by intermediaries in order to avail legal insulation for third party content. 
  2. From timebound takedowns to enabling identification of first originator of information: talking all things accountability, legitimate state action, curbs on free speech and right to privacy. 
  3. Navigating legal complexities in the face of a labyrinth of jurisdiction specific laws - is the time ripe for harmonisation of laws? 
  4. Categorization of intermediaries (including social media intermediaries) – need for a risk-based approach?
  5. Regulatory shift towards personal liability regime for the officers of intermediaries: a desirable move?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Ashish Razdan Khaitan & Co, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Website Officer, Asia Pacific Regional Forum


Yongsang Kim Yulchon LLC, Seoul, South Korea
Simone Lahorgue Nunes Lahorgue Advogadas Associadas , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Member, Technology Law Committee Advisory Board
Vaibhav Parikh Nishith Desai Associates, New York, New York, USA
Patrick Pearsall Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Rajesh Sreenivasan Rajah & Tann Singapore, Singapore, Singapore