IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022

30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022

Room 208, Level 2

Session information

Antitrust’s role in addressing inequality

Tuesday 1 November (1115 - 1230)

Room 208, Level 2
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Antitrust Section (Lead)


Is market power at the root of wealth inequality? Can and should antitrust make an active contribution to combatting this inequality? Is it a suitable tool for redistributing wealth? If so, how can it best be used do so? Is concern about inequality a basis for aggressive antitrust enforcement in labor markets designed to raise wages, as some have argued? Is there a risk that this weakens its ability to play its key role of delivering low prices and high quality to consumers? What have been the results when this has been tried? Are competitive markets the surest path to more equality? Are there lessons here from the debate about antitrust’s potential contribution to climate change goals? The panel will debate the latest thinking on this issue, and review examples from jurisdictions that are in the vanguard of tackling inequality through antitrust.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Heather Pamela Mary Irvine Bowmans, Johannesburg, South Africa; Publications Officer, Antitrust Section
Youngjin Jung Kim & Chang, Seoul, South Korea; Asia Pacific Regional Forum Liaison Officer, Antitrust Section


Dennis Davis Former Competition Appeal Court Judge President, Cape Town, South Africa
Diana Moss American Antitrust Institute , Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Madoka Shimada Nishimura & Asahi, Tokyo, Japan